by Cogs » Thu Apr 08, 2004 9:50 am
If I were starting a new engineer now, I would max out my BioCoccon line asap. I would concentrate on maxing that, putting points in either Gadgeteer or Mechanic depending on whether you wanna max nano or tradeskills, respectively.
My set up as of now is 9points BioCocoon(maxing it when I hit 214), maxed Gadgeteer, Mechanic, Tinkerer and Genious.
Genious is 4 points, Tinkerer 3 or 4, Gadget and Mech are both 10 points for max. After 216, Mechanic will be maxed also, hence I will have 4 points to play with on my journey to 220.
This is from my memory....not having played in a few days, I might be off on number of points that go into Tinkerer, and there may also be a final level of Mechanic after 216.....but these are the perks I have gone for.
BioCocoon is a must, and I would get it maxed asap.
Silly ole bugger