this seems too be a growing problem amongs NT's lately that people comes PvP tagged too ely and kill the NT's kiting fo either gold or growth. I was thinking that aslong as they make money from killing u NT's they will continue too do so and come with lame excuses for why they did so.
Fix this problem by making them earn nothing.
1. in cases like max kiting mainly for powerlevel alts. make the team loot and hold the ingots, (( the griefers can't steal whats not there.
it will just get annoying too die but u won't loose anything. ))
2. if NT, loot hand it over to an alt or team member (( the griefers can't steal whats not there. it will just get annoying too die but u won't loose anything. ))
3. If u have a trusted crat in team she\he might have a huge pocket where the ingots are pretty safe if even the crat are involved in any form of the upcomming battle. (( the pocket bank ))
insert more gold saving ideas if u got them, but KEEP the attack \ defence ideas on another thread