Engineer: Engis in Shadowlands / Alien Invasion

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Engineer: Engis in Shadowlands / Alien Invasion

Postby Smacdevil » Mon Oct 04, 2004 2:07 am

A few tips and tactics for team and solo play in SL and AI for us bot-weilders:

- Runspeed is your friend, keep it maxed. Increasingly important at higher levels. Combined with the snare auras, speed will get you through catacombs and generally help you *not* take hits.
- Max Bioshield (duh)
- It's harder to keep aggro on pets in SL, so make sure to use the highest QL trimmers you can, and use them often! Whenever healing a pet in fight, use your Increase Aggressiveness trimmer.
- Lack of pet reflect nanos make the pets less able to tank than on RK, as the SL version of Harmonic Cocoon is team aura only. Get Shield of the Obedient Servant and keep it running as much as you can (adds pet taunt/AR and deflects some dmg). Nano from Obediency Enforcer on RK.
- Pet heals are insane aggro magnet in SL... put as much distance between yourself and the mob, if you don't want agg.
- Blind auras are definately worth the IP investment, use the best you can, even if it means gimping yourself in the tradeskill department.
- When teamed and the pet isn't tanking, don't be afraid to use trimmers that add to damage even though they reduce AC or HP of pet.
- Level 200 Slayer will OD even lvl 213 Slayer on Inferno hecklers, due to higher minimum hits and faster hits.

- Use and REFRESH blind aura as often as you can, this will heavily reduce the amount of healing needed due to dmg from adds, and will let the doctor live longer. Especially effective if everyone is on the same target and there's no NT AoE'ing.
- Level 209 Slayer tanks way better than 200 Slayer - use it to be able to handle adds until main tank is free to take over.
- Beacon warp does NOT work inside ships :( Hoping this will be changed.

More to come, hopefully :) Feel free to make additions and comments, and I will incorporate in main post.
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Postby Ukulele » Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:26 am

Engineer can be pretty powerful solo profession in Inferno and catacombs with proper tactics.

Blinds land almost always and stay on mobs for a long time when they are not taking damage and you can use that to your benefit especially with bots from 205 upwards. First you make sure you don't have damage shields or snare aura running on pets. Find a good location and pull the mob there and start the beating. When bot gets low on health despite your healing attempts, stop attacking, get pets on /wait and hit the blinds.

SL pets have fairly high evades and highest engi blind lowers mob AR by 1.2k. That combined with very high heal delta of pets on /wait makes your pet regenerate faster than it's getting hit. It's very important to not to use damage shields or snare aura on pets since they cause blinds to cancel!

I succesfully soloed 215ish inferno dragons and (all regular) penumbra cata mobs with 209 bot with this tactic, and it was even easy, even though time consuming. I also tried Arachnis near inferno entrance but it was a bit too much. I might have to try again with 213 bot. I think it might be doable .

You propably want to avoid healing your bot with perks/maker's touch too much while pet is on /wait since it builds up aggro towards you. On the other hand every tick from your blinds taunts too so it's tricky balancing. :) Also be ready to blind again if you get hit since you have damage shield in bio perks and you should use reflect aura anyway.

You only need to refresh blind manually if mob starts to hit for higher damage again. Don't do it otherwise since it builds up aggro.

I have no idea how much better 217 and 220 bots perform. I suppose I will find out eventually..
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