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Adventurer: The adventurer

Postby Indefatigable » Wed Jan 07, 2004 1:03 pm

Well seems nobody else has posted in this section I thought I would.

Just a little info from what i have found out about playing minimalist.
I had previously tried a melee adv and at lower levels pistol seems to be the way to go. In my opinion more damage and easier on ip spending. The pistol from foremans dropped by the lab director are trully great. I used them from level 41 to 103. This seems like a long time and i should have probably changed back to bbi's around 90ish.

Well I trully do enjoy playing this profession being the second best healers in the game and not a bad tank either with bioshield and acrobat perks you can't ask for much more. Depending on how you look at it the adv has loads of nanos. Its fun getting sometime new all the time but can be a pain to blitz them (nudge check your banks and give me some ;D).

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Postby Cilamene » Wed Mar 03, 2004 1:53 pm

Nowadays, melee advs don't need to spend as much on IPs as they used to--you can go to Tsunoyoshi Smith and pick out what specials you want on your Meibutsu Daitos, and ignore brawl and dimach (dark blue) if you want. 1he advs are more focused on fast and sneak attack now than before, when they were forced to take brawl (due to SOL executioners and other older 1he weaps).

I think the best bet for a melee adv is to use Meibutsu Daitos bought from Smith starting from level 1, and use them until you outgrow the highest QL that Smith sells. He sells up to QL125 or 130 or something, so when you're high TL3 or low TL4 you might want to start looking into different weaps. SOL executioners are decent after that, though maybe nasty for IPs. At 125, you can get into IS and look into getting one of the three weaps there--Frost Shards, Icebound Hearts, or Gelid Blades. Those three are all great. Mantis Scissors used to be popular before IS, but those have a 146 level req on them. Some people like to dual scissors with a different weap just so they get sneak attack, which is nasty in PvP.

For pistol advs...BBI Faithfuls are pretty good for damage at low levels, and easy to get hold of (sold in trader store and they're rollable). Customized Desert Reets are a must-have once you can get them in the 40s, and you can use those for a long time, as Indef said. After that, you can get into flux pistols, or some of the IS guns--Prelude to Chaos (adv only), Parasitic Hecataleech (pistol/burst gun), Right Hand of Entropy (also adv only, good luck getting this sucker). When you hit 175, you can use the Patty guns. The PoP is sort of useless in SL, but the RoP is a little better, at least against hecklers. (Hecklers are strong against PoP fire AC but weak against RoP chem AC.) If you're an atrox adv, there are the Kick Pistols, but ask Meenie about those. :D And of course if you get lucky, you can get hold of the Jobe Surveyor/Explorer Personal Pistol. Good min damage plus Full Auto. Happy camping!
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Postby Misjkin » Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:17 pm

Cilamene wrote:Nowadays, melee advs don't need to spend as much on IPs as they used to--you can go to Tsunoyoshi Smith and pick out what specials you want on your Meibutsu Daitos....

Where can one find him? =)
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Postby Flameforge » Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:45 pm

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Postby Legrandchef » Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:16 pm

How do you find a Customized Desert Reet? Mission drop?

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Postby Sidarion » Sun Jul 11, 2004 7:50 pm

My experiences tell me, and, heaven forbid, I don't play an adventurer, that a lot of Adventurers have reset their IPs to go from pistol wielding over to 1HE.

The reason seems to be the lack of easily obtainable pistols. I still remember that, back when IS was new, getting up to Gelid the Inobak was hellishly difficult. These days, it seems like a walk in the park.

Since Gelid drops the Gelid blades frequently, it is not exactly difficult to get a hold of them (just spawn another GS). I either see dual-Gelid wielding advies in SL, or dualling Gelids with Shank of Maze (I am truly no expert in 1HE... I am a soldier, remember?). Some rare, high level people run around wielding one of the Beast blades... but this is nothing to note in a guide. Just my observations... :)

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Postby Flameforge » Sun Jul 11, 2004 8:19 pm

Legrandchef wrote:How do you find a Customized Desert Reet? Mission drop?

These are from the Foreman in the dungeon on Longest Road :) So not a mission, but bit of a camp.
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