OK, Dr Luv is now TL5 and pretty fed up of tickling things with his mighty Cup 'o' Doom (tm) so would like to pick up a weapon or two and see if he can't do some proper grown up damage

So, wondered what others opinions were on weapon choice for my luv'erly trox doccie?
Things I've thought about,
Gelids (maybe too low yet)
Mauls (murder, or the higher ones)
CDR+a.n.other pistol
AI Axes?
MAW shotty from IS
I bow to your wisdom, gimme your thoughts, not sure which way to go here... One thing, I'd like the weapons to be fairly easy to get on/off, so I can wield buffing items like cushions/cup if I need the extra MM/BM for healing.
Doctor "Luvingston" IPresume
Level 155 and rising.