by HealerKat » Tue Feb 03, 2004 4:23 pm
Ok.. A small lesson in Ferrets:
You can train them to not bite. I had to start early. 2-3 months old to make him stop biting.. Ferrets can take alot of beating when they play with each other.. so when they bite us humans.. it hurts.. So to train him i had to put my finger in his mouth everytime he bit me hard.. ( Trust me, my finger in his mouth made him bite HARD). I was lucky. after a few days he learned that IF he bit me, i would put my finger in his mouth, so he stopped.
Potty training: Well THATS another story. Ferrets tend to sleep for about 12-16 hours every day. When they wake up, they have to take a dump.. Most ppl have the litter-box next to their bed.. But Razer doesnt sleep in his beds (have made 4 beds for him) He tends to sleep behind the TV, in a drawer or in the laundry basket.. When he wakes up, he's so lazy he just jumps down. Takes a dump, and jumps up to where ever he's sleeping again. and NN.. hes gone for 2-3 hours again :p
Ferrets like to be outside.. I do try to take Razer for a walk everyday. we walk for 20 min.. and he gets tired. and i have to carry him back. Then he sleeps in my pocket/BP/ or inside my coat. He used to go outside by him self.. I just opened the door, and he could enter or leave as he wanted.. One day the ugly mofo cat next door chased him away, and i had to begin a search party. found him about 1 KM from my house.. in a forest. Thank god i had "bandits" (ferret snack) in my pocket. So now he's not allowed outside with out his "harnes" (correct spelled??)