Guild meeting Friday 21:00 GMT! Important meeting!

Place to hang out and talk about anything.

Postby Felicity » Thu May 09, 2002 4:17 pm

Will be held in West Athen. For those who dont know wich building there will be escorts from the bank area in West Athen.

Please attend!
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Postby Hejiro » Thu May 09, 2002 8:26 pm

I'll remember to set my alarm clock!
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Postby Coldraven » Fri May 10, 2002 8:23 am

It's important that as many as possibel can attend since a number of topics will be discussed.
There will also be a introduction to the guild structure for the new ones as this is theire first meeting with the guild.

I look forward to see you all there.

Take care and safe travels.
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Postby Herich » Fri May 10, 2002 8:36 am

This post was saying i couldn't make it.. but i found a way :wink:

~Herich~ out.

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Postby Herich » Fri May 10, 2002 8:39 am

plz post a recap of the meeting so people can read it later... i would but i don't know how to copy text from in game...Thx!

~Herich~ out.

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Postby Cogs » Fri May 10, 2002 11:11 am

Well, copying text from chat window is no sweat at all. Just click on "Log", next to whichever channel you wanna log, then go into your FuncomAnarchy OnlinePrefsxxxxxx folder, and find your "vicinity", "team", or "private" chat log there.


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Postby Hejiro » Sat May 11, 2002 5:23 pm

That was a good meeting, and good to see so many people able to attend.
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Postby Herich » Sat May 11, 2002 11:45 pm

Does anyone have the log.. i had to go get my car, i would like to see what else was said after i left plz.
~Herich~ out.
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Postby Coldraven » Sun May 12, 2002 4:31 am

Here is the meeting log.
I forgot to start the log in time so parts of the beginning wasn't loged

23:21: Hejiro: Thank you Archm
23:22: Hejiro: I can't remember his exact reply, but it was something along the lines of "Do not worry, you will always find a way to assist and strengthen the group"
23:24: Hejiro: And it's true, whether you are really clued-up on items, a good fighter, or just moral support .. each of you can make a good contribution :smile:
23:24: Hejiro: Thanks
23:24: Coldraven: there isn't anyone who want's the floors
23:24: Coldraven: so I'll finnish this topic
23:24: Coldraven: thank you Hejiro
23:25: Coldraven: that was some well spoken words
23:25: Coldraven: It seems for me that the new ones like themself in teh guild
23:25: Herich has 5 mins left.. then i have to go.. =(
23:25: Coldraven: the way it is today
23:26: Coldraven: and I am glad to hear that
23:26: Coldraven: that means that the guild have to be good
23:26: Coldraven smiles
23:26: Coldraven: but I agree the higher levels one can use some more time with the lower ones
23:26: Coldraven: and everyone
23:26: Coldraven: us ethe guild channel
23:27: Coldraven: it is there to be used
23:27: Coldraven: seek contact with others there
23:27: Coldraven: it's the easyest way
23:27: Coldraven: ok
23:27: Coldraven: we'r moving on to next topic
23:27: Maximizer plans to login his lvl 60 engie and power lvl whomever wants alot of fst xp
23:27: Mystamyr feels the website should be the heartbeat while the in-game is the body
23:27: Coldraven: but first archm wan't a comment
23:28: Coldraven: then felicity wan't a comment
23:28: Coldraven: then we close the topic for now
23:28: Archm: thank you
23:28: Archm: I have prepared a short speech
23:28: Archm: you might need to scroll a bit LOL
23:29: Archm: Welcome all RKFF members I am General Archm and I have created the RKFFAF ( Rubika Freedom Fighters Armed Forces). We need to have a powerful and structured Military presence to combat Omni-tek aggression. As of now we are not in any danger of losing our territories to Omni.
23:29: Archm: Soon this will change and we must be prepared to defend our Territories. The RKFF Elite forces will be our first line of defense and will respond to any problem the arises. Requirements are: RKFF member and lvl 75 and higher. Now everyone who wants to be on the frontlines and join the Elite Force. Stand up. Otherwise you will be in the RKFFAF Reserve, which responds to emergency situations only and doesn't respond to any attack unless I call you. Remember I only want those who are willing to commit yourselves to the RKFF Elite Force to join up. All those who are standing have been promoted to PVT and deserve the respect of all the RKFF members. For those who are PVT's already reaffirm that decission and Stand up as well.
23:30: Cogs is a PVT, but with limited time on-planet, as the General knows
23:30: Archm: I need 2 SGT's and one LT to help me in battle situations and structured training exercises. All those who are PVT's now can apply for these leadership positions by sending me a tell and scheduling a interview. We will be starting training exercises next week so perpared your character for battle. I have in place a Defcom system to alert the guild of any omni aggression or problems that arise. Thank you for your time and I will end with the defcom alerts.
23:31: Archm: Defcon 1: Omni is attacking or Clan is attacking. A military state of mobilization and retaliation. We are at War. STAND BY FOR INSTRUCTIONS
23:31: Archm: Defcon 2: Threat has not been acted on by omni or rebels have not attacked yet. A military state of readiness and preparation.
23:31: Archm: thank you and you may be seated
23:32: Archm: done
23:32: Herich will stay for felicity's comment then i must depart for my RL car.. sorry
23:32: Felicity: Thank you General
23:32: Archm writing your names down
23:33: Felicity: I would like to see more people using the website, and especially the forums.
23:33: Felicity: Right now, most posters are oldies and it would be great fun to have more action on the site.
23:34: Felicity: Thank you. Im done
23:34: Herich: gotta go guys.. sorry
23:34: Coldraven: take care Herich
23:34: Felicity: bye Herich
23:34: Mystamyr hugs Herich
23:34: Hejiro: Yes, where else can you talk about carbon-rich rock and "telefonsex" in the same sentence!!
23:35: Herich: be back in about 1 1/2 hr
23:35: Cogs: Later Herich, good to see you
23:35: Shannenn: bye
23:35: Hejiro chuckles
23:35: Doccroc: Bye Herich
23:35: Coldraven: cogs got teh floor
23:35: Beldaran: Bye Herich
23:35: Felicity: LOL
23:35: Hejiro: Later Herich
23:35: Coldraven: teh=the
23:35: Archm: PVT take care
23:35: Felicity is afk
23:35: Icebladz: Bye Herich
23:35: Cogs: Well, I dont really want the floor, I just want to wish you all goodnight
23:35: Mystamyr chuckles
23:35: Coldraven smiles
23:36: Maximizer is assembling a team for power lvling
23:36: Mystamyr: Lovely to meet you sir. :smile:
23:36: Cogs: Im gonna have to log now, thanks for a good time
23:36: Coldraven: take care cogs
23:36: Beldaran: Take care Cogs have a good night
23:36: Icebladz: Sleep well Cogs
23:36: Cogs: See you all, and good luck in the work ahead
23:36: Hejiro: Thanks for coming along Cogs. We certainly miss you.
23:36: Mystamyr: Hope to meet you again soon, and get to know you and be able to call you friend :smile:
23:36: Shannenn: goodnight
23:36: Archm: damn Cogs
23:36: Felicity is back
23:36: Cogs: Bye for now
23:36: Doccroc: See you Cogs
23:36: Archm: take care my friend
23:36: Coldraven: ok, let's try to finnish this meeting
23:37: Maximizer: anyone up for extreme lvlign
23:37: Coldraven: we got a few short topics left
23:37: Hejiro alone on this side :/
23:37: Coldraven: 2. the sections of rkff
23:37: Mystamyr: close in the circle some :smile:
23:37: Coldraven: we have several sections inside rkff
23:37: Coldraven: these are
23:38: Coldraven: war, events, logistics, internal, reqruiting
23:38: Beldaran smiles at Coldraven
23:38: Maximizer wants a women to sit next to him :smile:
23:38: Coldraven: afther last nights advisor meeting
23:38: Coldraven: we agreeded on changing the ranking system a little
23:39: Maximizer shouts: grins
23:39: Coldraven: the ranking dosn't mean anythign in practice
23:39: Coldraven: it only shows that you got responsibilities
23:39: Coldraven: and need to do some work
23:39: Coldraven: therefor we have decided that each section shall have 1 advisor
23:40: Coldraven: this person will be in charge of this section
23:40: Coldraven: only a oerson incharge of a section can be an advisor
23:40: Coldraven: each advisor will have atelast 1 second commander
23:40: Coldraven: and I can't type :smile:
23:41: Coldraven kicks himself
23:41: Shannenn: lol
23:41: Coldraven: for the second commander we will use the veteran rank
23:41: Archm kicks him too just to feel part of the group
23:41: Coldraven: the veteran rank will be used for 2 things
23:41: Coldraven: for people that have been a member a long time
23:41: Coldraven: and for second commanders
23:41: Coldraven: the rest that are not involved in any section will stay a member
23:42: Felicity wont kick since Cold realizes his mistakes...
23:42: Beldaran thinks Coldraven's too hard on himself
23:42: Archm will kick COld for Felicity
23:42: Coldraven: I hope people underdstand that the ranking system is only a way to reflect responsibility
23:42: Mystamyr nods
23:42: Coldraven: and not a way of representing that one person is bether than another
23:42: Coldraven: because it is not
23:43: Coldraven: I am the president, but I'm just like the rest of you
23:43: Coldraven: archm is the general
23:43: Coldraven: but he are still with the rest of us
23:43: Coldraven: etc
23:43: Coldraven: I hope everyone understand and agrees on this
23:43: Coldraven: if you don't please tell me now :smile:
23:43: Beldaran snaps her figners "Darn!"
23:44: Mystamyr: Raven still gets abused by Tommy on a regular basis. Herich is still the beloved whipping boy. Archm... hm, he's actually really a badass far as I can tell.
23:44: Beldaran: err fingers even
23:44: Coldraven: ok, good
23:44: Coldraven: in the coming week each section will find a second commander
23:44: Coldraven: that will assist them when teh advisor can't do the job
23:45: Felicity gets that sting again...
23:45: Coldraven: it's up for each section to decide the second commander
23:45: Coldraven: not me or any other
23:45: Beldaran chuckles under her breath
23:45: Coldraven: thank you
23:45: Coldraven: and teh=the
23:45: Coldraven: there
23:45: Coldraven kicks himself again
23:45: Coldraven: Hejiro got the floor
23:46: Maximizer emotes a bliss of happieness to everyone
23:46: Beldaran: please pardon me i'll be afk a few mins..
23:46: Hejiro: Question: do you think we have enough people for both an advisor in all offices, PLUS a 2nd 'advisor' ?
23:46: Mystamyr emotes right back at Max
23:46: Archm slaps Felicity and asks her to pass it on to Cold since I can't reach him
23:46: Coldraven: we have enough advisors for each section
23:46: Felicity slaps Hejiro in hopes that he can reach Cold
23:46: Coldraven: the advisors are as follow for the time beeing
23:47: Coldraven: war is controlled by Archm
23:47: Hejiro missed
23:47: Coldraven: intel is controlled by Tripe
23:47: Coldraven: events is controlled by ginaboo
23:47: Felicity slaps Hejiro for missing..
23:47: Coldraven: logistics is controlled by beldaran
23:47: Coldraven: interlan is controlled by felicity
23:47: Coldraven: interlan=internal
23:48: Felicity sighs
23:48: Coldraven: it's up to each section if they like second commanders or not
23:48: Coldraven kicks himself even harder
23:48: Icebladz passes note to Beldaran that he has more packs of goodies
23:48: Coldraven: ok, each section will now describe themself
23:48: Coldraven: starting with Archm
23:48: Felicity is afk
23:49: Archm: thank you once again
23:49: Archm: Well our first training exercise will be this friday
23:49: Archm: this coming up Firday
23:49: Archm: and it will be against live targets
23:50: Maximizer grins with excitement
23:50: Archm: prepare you charaters it will be a RP situation
23:50: Hejiro: Archm, is this for Elites, or everyone?
23:51: Felicity is back
23:51: Archm: I need a LT and 2 SGT's so please send your applications for these positions
23:51: Icebladz: Is there different level classes?
23:51: Archm: the LT will be my second in command
23:52: Archm: The Elite Squad is every lvl 75 and up who own a yalm
23:52: Beldaran: back
23:52: Archm: everyone else will be called by me to join if we need you
23:52: Archm: the battle
23:52: Archm: you will be our back up
23:52: Archm: and trust me we will need it this Friday
23:52: Maximizer announces his purchasing of yalms to anyone that doesn't have one
23:53: Hejiro boggles at Max
23:53: Archm: around 22:00ish
23:53: Archm: hehe time again
23:53: Felicity thinks Hejiro is a suitable receiver
23:53: Archm: yes GMT
23:53: Felicity is afk
23:53: Archm: any questions?
23:54: Archm: If you do just ask :smile: or send me a tell thank you DOne
23:54: Beldaran likes goodies
23:54: Coldraven: ok Maximizer just gave use some awasome news
23:54: Coldraven: maybe you should talk about it max?
23:55: Maximizer: u can go ahead lol
23:55: Coldraven: hehe, ok
23:55: Coldraven: well then it's Beldaran's turn
23:56: Beldaran: Umm okay sorry real life distractions..
23:56: Mystamyr: Is he hot? :wink:
23:58: Beldaran: Okay as you I know in charge of logistics you all know that anyhtign you have and are not using goes to the guild
23:58: Coldraven wonders if bel fell asleep
23:58: Coldraven: nm
23:59: Beldaran: So basically any equipment such as weapons, armor, weapons etc...that you don't use anymore or don't need you give to me and I sort it all out and give it to other members who might jsut be in need of those items
00:00: Beldaran: I am in charge of the guild bank if you need something you come to me and I might just have what you need
00:00: Beldaran: If you have backpacks full of stuff you don't need you coem to me and eliminate your problem
00:01: Beldaran: I rather like havign a bank full of stuff anyway so let me be your pack rat people
00:01: Felicity is back
00:01: Beldaran: okay I'm done
00:02: Icebladz: Umm just on that last section.....
00:02: Icebladz: Have we thought about trade items and the like?
00:03: Hejiro: In what way?
00:03: Icebladz: Things like this.....i have packs of them that are of no use but would like to pass on to people that make want to experiment with them
00:03: Beldaran: Okay I can answer that if you like??
00:03: Coldraven: give all stuff like that to beldaran
00:04: Coldraven: she will give it to the right person that needs it :smile:
00:04: Coldraven: ops, I'll be quiet
00:04: Icebladz: and even these.....great for me to hack but useless to me afterwards
00:04: Mystamyr pinches Raven's toe
00:04: Icebladz: okies...that answers my question
00:04: Icebladz: done
00:05: Beldaran: Yes please do give all tht to me as you may already knwo I am building a trader and I plan to start building weapons and such witht hat character and anyhting you have that is imcomplete will be most useful to me
00:05: Beldaran: done
00:05: Coldraven: and others
00:05: Coldraven: ok, felicity got the floor
00:05: Hejiro: :wink:
00:05: Felicity: Thank you
00:06: Felicity: Well as you know I'm the internal affairs advisor.
00:06: Coldraven: her job is to check my spelling ;p
00:06: Beldaran snickers
00:06: Felicity: I no speeches or anything prepared , but basicly you turn to me when you have questions about anything regarding the guild
00:07: Maximizer nudges beldaran
00:07: Beldaran starts and looks around the room
00:08: Icebladz: Where do i send a photo for the webpage?
00:08: Felicity: Who does what and that sort of thing. Im also administrator of the current website, and therefor the one to contact when having trouble with the forums, characters page etc
00:08: Mystamyr must take a moment to applaud Archm's forethought to make macros of his speech :smile:
00:09: Mystamyr puts a hand over Ice's mouth for a moment
00:09: Mystamyr also covers her own ><
00:09: Felicity: As Im currently on a callup connection, my mailserver is offline and I cant receive pictures for the website.
00:09: Archm wonders where that hand has been
00:09: Mystamyr: @@
00:09: Icebladz wonders too
00:09: Mystamyr looks at her hands
00:10: Felicity: You can send the photos to Coldraven and he can then distribute it on the site.
00:10: Doccroc is shocked
00:10: Archm thinks she is playing innocent
00:10: Coldraven: my nice e-mail ardress is
00:10: Icebladz: ok thanks
00:10: Mystamyr grins
00:10: Coldraven: use it for pictures
00:10: Coldraven: not spam mail :smile:
00:10: Icebladz: what sort :wink:
00:10: Archm: hehe
00:10: Mystamyr: nude pics to me
00:10: Mystamyr:
00:10: Icebladz: HA!
00:10: Coldraven: up to you
00:10: Archm: to you or of you
00:10: Mystamyr nods
00:11: Coldraven: supprise me :smile:
00:11: Archm: oops that came out wrong
00:11: Felicity: Well, I guess Im done..
00:11: Mystamyr: cold is asking for trouble
00:11: Archm: :smile:
00:11: Coldraven: ohh I get lot's of stuff in that mail from before
00:11: Coldraven: some more won't hurt :smile:
00:11: Felicity: Oh one thing..
00:12: Felicity: Im ofcourse looking for someone that can help me in my duties. If any of you feel you're up to it, plase just ask.
00:12: Felicity: done
00:12: Hejiro: Thanks Fel
00:12: Coldraven: thank you fel
00:12: Coldraven: let's finnish this meeting now
00:12: Coldraven: 1 more topic
00:12: Coldraven: and we'r done
00:12: Hejiro hopes you get your ADSL back soon
00:12: Coldraven: short one
00:12: Coldraven: I promise
00:13: Felicity slaps Archm for being sexistic
00:13: Coldraven: or first I will tell you about even t since gina isn't here
00:13: Coldraven: the the event section is arraanging events
00:13: Coldraven: so look closely at the channel the next week
00:13: Coldraven: something fun is about to happen
00:13: Coldraven: ok last section
00:14: Coldraven: If you all think i'm doing nothing and just walking around with my president titel yoru wrong :smile:
00:14: Coldraven: for 2 days ago I was in a meeting with the guild Order Of Kauket
00:14: Coldraven: that was 04:00 am in the morning :smile:
00:14: Mystamyr: Fine people, they are, from what I've seen
00:14: Coldraven: order of kauket or ook
00:15: Coldraven: are interested in forming a friendship agreement between our guilds
00:15: Coldraven: I am curently working on an agreement with theire leader zepto
00:15: Coldraven: about how it will work
00:15: Coldraven: and it will be bublished in voice of fredom
00:16: Coldraven: the relationship will include
00:16: Beldaran coughs
00:16: Coldraven: several new people to team with
00:16: Maximizer wonders if the lil agent can wear any of his old armor
00:16: Coldraven: we will share our members list and ook can contact our members to hunt with
00:16: Icebladz looks around for the little agent
00:16: Coldraven: and we can contact them
00:16: Coldraven: it will be easyer to get special buffs
00:17: Coldraven: as bouth guilds have people with special abilityes
00:17: Coldraven: it will also be easyer to get your hands on special items eitehr free or to low prices
00:17: Mystamyr is "special."
00:17: Beldaran ndges Max and tells him that he probbly doesn't like being referred to as "little"
00:17: Coldraven: there will also be held a "market"
00:17: Icebladz giggles
00:17: Coldraven: where bouth guild can meet up and exchange stuffs and team etc
00:18: Felicity still thinks she should spell check that public announcement
00:18: Coldraven: the whole point is that it shall be easyer for everyone to find team members and items
00:18: Coldraven: etc
00:18: Hejiro grins at Felicity
00:18: Coldraven: ohh the public announcment is error free :smile:
00:18: Coldraven: does this sound interesting?
00:19: Mystamyr: Sounds like an alliance but w/o the silly tag requirements
00:19: Archm: sounds like a blast
00:19: Hejiro: I'm all for it Cold. If Zepto is any indication, OOC should be a good guild to align with.
00:19: Coldraven: not an allianse
00:19: Coldraven: it's like a sister guild
00:19: Mystamyr: I like it a lot. I prefer that kind of thing to an official signed alliance kinda thang
00:19: Coldraven: ok, and here comes the fun part
00:19: Mystamyr: where some schmoe (no offense to the schmoes in charge of alus, I'm sure they're nice, just in general) can tell us how to name our guild :wink:
00:19: Coldraven: ook are together with rkff arranging a huge party
00:20: Coldraven: the party will be held in reet retreat
00:20: Coldraven: and probably on 25 may
00:20: Coldraven: it is required that atleast 10 members from us attend the party
00:20: Coldraven: I hope this works out
00:20: Doccroc smiles
00:20: Coldraven: there will be a press releas about the party
00:20: Coldraven: in voice of freedom
00:21: Coldraven: and rkff will be mentioned
00:21: Coldraven: from now on you will see our guild name in the news
00:21: Doccroc loves to party :grin:
00:21: Coldraven: does this sound good?
00:21: Beldaran does to
00:21: Felicity: yes
00:21: Coldraven: great
00:21: Beldaran: Sounds good to me
00:21: Coldraven: ok, if everyone else dosn't eant the floor we'll finnish here
00:22: Beldaran: I might even be able to get a live DJ to attend...
00:22: Hejiro: My exurberant arm waving indicates "yes" :smile:
00:22: Coldraven: eant=want
00:22: Doccroc: appsolutly
00:22: Doccroc: Err
00:22: Beldaran: if you want..
00:22: Coldraven: ohh and there will be a contest there too
00:22: Coldraven: with money to win :smile:
00:22: Hejiro: Beer sculling??
00:22: Doccroc: :smile:
00:22: Felicity: Spelling??
00:22: Coldraven: *saying no more*
00:22: Hejiro: Leet Rodeo?
00:23: Coldraven: anyone wan't the floor?
00:23: Felicity: Nah, I have muy own..
00:23: Doccroc needs a beer!
00:23: Hejiro: This one doesn't even have carpet....
00:23: Maximizer: if anyone needs any speacial items, i cna take requests
00:23: Felicity is on her second GT
00:23: Coldraven: ok, then the meeting is ended
00:23: Mystamyr takes Ice on the floor... oh wait, nevermind. Yeah, no carpet, not comfy
00:23: Coldraven: thank you all for comming
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