If you could design a major story event...

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If you could design a major story event...

Postby Volais » Sat Apr 10, 2004 9:42 am

what would it be?

Personally, Id like to make an Event in which Omni tries to retake Old Athen from us. Course, said event would rock if made into a FPS, but still, a huge battle over Old Athen would be pretty nice. Also, a clan uprising in Tir to over throw the Sents
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Postby LilBurst » Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:21 pm

Back when Loren Warr and his/her/it's crew moved into Newland, there was a lot of dialog between clans and neuts, not all of it friendly. I thought it would be a great idea, since Loren was affiliated with Omni Tek, that soon after Omni would move in and occupy Newland and Borry allowing the clans to sit back and smirk "I told you so". :twisted:
But dissapointing as it is...Funcom didn't have the same idea as I did and another golden storyline opportunity passed into history.
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