Joining and being apart of a community

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Joining and being apart of a community

Postby Suntai » Thu Sep 16, 2004 4:13 pm

I have just educated myself, of the social standards, in the guild. I find it quite pleasing to hear that this guild supports the community. More power to the clans that wish not to exploit their fellow neighbor.
Practices within the guild and your everyday expereince; should reflect the very nature of a moral individual. We are held by the very fact that we are all simular, and in that simularity we can all sympathize with one another. I pledge now that we should help those whom dont' have the options that others might.
I suggest that we promote gear and credits amognst all in our community. There is a sense of profit to be had and as such i suggest that we keep our profits, yet if an entire community gave just a little for a cause. That adds up to an expenential amount.
I say this in closing, remember the hard times we all have and will go through. With this sympathy; keep an open mind to any and everyone struggling.

With that said I would love to be of assistance to anyone needing it.

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Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:39 am
Location: Colorado

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