Mass cancellations on Wow

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Mass cancellations on Wow

Postby jjones666 » Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:36 am ... aft-101161

Funny link, hopefully more of our regulars will come back.

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Postby Cogs » Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:16 pm

I dont really see any drama in this, as the so-called "mass-exodus" is something that strikes any game, especially after an initial period. WoW, having the huge player base it has, is especially susceptible to these phenomena. You will also find, that most all the cancellations occur from people playing on the pvp servers.
Those of us on pve, and rp servers do not suffer the massive pvp/ganking that may or may not occur on the pvp servers :)
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Postby Freuty » Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:34 pm

Thing is, it's mostly like AO, after every patch you find a mass of posts with people saying 'this is S**t, I'm outta here' ... only to find they have paid for 6months in advance and don't actually go anywhere :D I very much doubt there are any cancellations where they've deleted their char and uninstalled the game with no intentions of ever playing again ;)

The forum posts on that topic numbered about 700 I think it said... out of a subscriber base of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, isn't gonna make Blizzard unduly worried I think ;)

Anyhoo, I still have my AO accounts, even though they're cancelled, just waiting for that killer patch/add-on that will get me interested in it again :D

How are the SK missions anyway? Worth coming back for.... ;) ?
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Postby Jasper2002 » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:22 am

OMG Yes, you must all come back now LoL

but seriously, one of the best things introduced into the game imho.

Faction, SK, and loot from a single mission, and tokens too.

Even ingots drop in SL dungeons and missions now, proper ones :D

I made 1.7mil off 1 Ely dungeon romp and 1 SL mission.
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Postby Nusse » Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:35 am

Add to that an addon called 'Lost Eden' (working title) which might spark an interest :)
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Postby Smacdevil » Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:08 am

Bottom line: Freuty we mith your huge ath!!!! I would lie if I said otherwise, lol :mrgreen:
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Postby Freuty » Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:12 am

hehe Bot... funnily enough Freuty has a teeny weeny ath in WoW .. being a gnome ;)

Might have to logon tho to try these new missions out, sounds good... altho prolly a bit overdue :shock:

Lost Eden, hmm, Rahmo mentioned this to me... be interesting to see what they plan for this :)
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Postby Cogs » Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:29 am

Im prolly in the same boat as Froots.....Ive tried playing AO again, but simply cannot find the glow anymore, and would need something substantial to move me back. The sk missions sound good, but ..I have already dinged 220 once, and dinging another char 220 is not what I need from the game to get me back.
The APF is just another grind....follow a dude to kill more aliens for more phats, is after all the same ole recepie, the carrot on a stick.

I dont know, but for me to return, I think the story and the rp environment would have to get serious attention. That is what made AO for me at one time, and that is what is so sorely lacking and has been for the last few years.

Atm, there is really only one lure in AO....and that is my old friends there, basically you guys.
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Postby furyangel » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:08 am

well lets hope Lost Eden will do that for you guys. Sk dungeons are fantastic for us lowbies but I wonder if that is just going to make a lot more disenfranchised 220 players a lot quicker :P
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Postby furydemon » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:57 am

Perhaps having FC not do things like - look over here - a 220 bot!

Haha now they're not looking lets remove their a bug on their charms that meant they could function, but not fix those bugs that mean that they can't.

That stealth nerf just killed AO for me, guys. :roll:
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Postby Volais » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:05 am

Yeah, the roleplay aspect died with me...mwahahahahaha.

BTW...go jack into the Matrix..theres something that just makes yeah feel all giddy inside when you get to watch your little avatar beat the crap out of a gun wielding hooker.

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