So once again I am getting bored with AO. My NT (Nanarth) has been titlecapped for ages now. He has also hit a leveling plateau, sigh. Level 136 is a boring place to be.
My fixer, Iambubba 148, well, that poor bastard has been titlecapped for over a year.
I even tried finding some entertainment with my 49 trader. Finally get her an exarch robe, but her equipment is still close to 2 years old, she is mighty gimped.
My 79? Ma? That poor bastard predates TOTW so never had the opportunities to get those goodies.
I recently rolled a Soldier. He is 32 now and is desperately trying to equip a ql50 pb. Made him some ql25 carb armor with Nana, but that was 12 levels ago. Poor Nana cant make anything higher.. yet (being titlecapped and all i can dump some ip into tradeskills)
Just bought a 2004 Buell Blast, Im hoping that will aleviate some of my boredom. Havent rode a bike in 15+ years, hope I dont kill myself on the first day of driving it.
Anyway, im not sober and this is my rant
.. and if anyone seens Keho, tell him he is my bishhhh and that he needs to get back to AO!