Prophet Without Honour vs Lost

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Prophet Without Honour vs Lost

Postby Quezt » Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:17 am

BTW Spoiler warning: If you live in a country where Lost is sending earlier episodes then the ones in the USA dont read this thread :D

Is there anyone who has read Prophet Without Honour and that have watched the latest episodes of Lost that think there are ALOT of similarities in these.

The Omega shields themselves from the outside world by going underground, and got lots of technology and advanced medicine that "normal" people dont have, but after a while they become sterile and not able to reproduce.

"The Others" in Lost allso have shielded themselves from the world with loads of advanced technology that "normal" people can just dream about. And their woman dies when they become pregnant.

Might just be coincidence or perhaps the creators of Lost are AO gamers =)

Perhaps we will see people on Rubi-Ka in the last season of Lost ;)
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Postby Selavi » Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:41 pm

Think I saw episode 1 where they crashed on a deserted island...thank the fawkin gawds I missed the 4593745345693 other episodes :wink:
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Postby nightxvision » Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:37 pm

hmm dont like lost but everyone tells me about that ... but well if there where some ao people i would watch it too ^^ :lol:
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Postby Flameforge » Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:11 pm

"Inspired by", perhaps?

Reminds me that I never did get around to reading Prophet Without Honour......
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