Hello I am not sure wether or not i am in your clan or not but i believe i was invited by Feyth last night. I don't think she said i was in, matter of fact she said i had to talk to the boss but he never got a hold of me. I just started playing this game like 24 days ago and i have 3 Characters. 1 lvl 29 possibly 30 by the time u read this Meta / ATROX on dimension 1. I also have a lvl 39 nano man Agent. I think i am done with the agent though. He was my starter guy and now i don't use him much other then to have fun with higher lvl's. My last Charactor i only use when Diemension 1 is down. I have a lvl 10 Nano Engineer on Dimension 2. but i don't play him much. I know how macros are used and i am now pretty familur with the "local to NL" territory. Ok Well i will let you guys know. You can get back to me here or on my E-mail or... lol in the game i am almost alway on... Ok well talk to you guys later.. OHH one more thing i am Clan so.. if that mattered or not.. all my charactors ar clan.. heh.. ok bye now..
~Herich~ out.