I was thinking I can't be the only one comparing Tier1 stats with Sentinels, Azure etc and arriving at the conclusion that an upgrade to Tier 2 long overdue.
So, I will try to get enough people together for raiding the Archaic dungeons in Adonis and maybe even Penumbra where embryos have better drop rates.
I won't be setting a fixed schedule for this, but I'll spam guild chat whenever I possibly can Needless to say, this will be a challenge, but it could prove fun if we don't take it too seriously.... the mobs will be badass mofos, but so are we... there is no surrender!
I am compiling a spreadsheet which lists all the different parts needed for all profs, but I have no site for hosting it, so for the time being just ask me
Anyone interested?
I scouted the catacombs in Adonis, and the mobs I 'met' were lvl 200-208, hitting for 1200-2200 regular hits. This means we need a decent team, with tank, healer(s) good CC (Crat preferably).
Sadly, the walls in this dungeon are bugged (LOS), so there it's very hard to avoid adds.
EDIT 2: Link to my guide for tier armor crafting.