Err, with what authority you speaking about this Vol, yer saying AO is run with just 2 servers?!? Plus they're NOT taxed??
So, lemme get this straight, 3 dimensions, 10s of playfields, 1000s of players all running off 2 machines?? Well, I personally seriously doubt that... but I'm willing to be proven wrong... and if it is correct, then that would explain the serious lag/slowdown issues when more than a handful of players gather in one playfield.. Or, by servers, do you mean 'server farms/clusters'? Then it makes more sense.
Please, explain further where you get this info from cos I'm having a hard time believing it m8
Anyway, back OT wrt Alien Invasion... I'm glad that FC is continuing to devlop AO and add new stuff.. I just wish they would also make sure they fix the stuff they're adding before too quickly adding more... but then they need to keep customers interested and attract old/new peeps back so I can kinda understand why they're doing it they way they do Must be working anyway, 'cos Vol is looking to come back