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Angry radio listener

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 6:48 am
by Smacdevil
Quite hysterical, at least for those fluent in Scandinavian tongues :)

(sound stream with angry female radio listener registering a complaint)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:14 pm
by Misjkin
LOL!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:37 pm
by Flameforge
I'm going to download it just to hear the cool voices. At least that might provide a bit of a laugh even though I won't understand it :P

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 6:58 pm
by Renegader
Ahahahah wtf :) :-'' :roll:

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:14 am
by Bluelotuss
:evil: TRANSLATE !! PLZZ!! NO fair....I wanna laugh toooooooooo :roll: GODDDDDDDDDDD...I'm sooo glad she's not my mom, bc she sounds PISSSSSSSSSED....aaaaaahahahaha LMAO.....I'm DYING to know what she said... :twisted: ROFL...gaaaahahaha that made me laugh so hard and I have NO freaking clue waht she said even!!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 3:38 am
by Stillhaa
haaaaaaahahha hahhahaha :shock: OMG .... got this sent to meh at work a week or so ago.... GOT DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN she :evil: :twisted: is pizzzzzzzzzzzed offff.....

((she is complaining about the radiostation P4 (whitch might be the suckiest radiostation in sweden) and that she gets static all the time and that there is some cross interfearance from another radio station... AND SHE JUST WANTS TO LISTEN TO F::KING P4!!!...left out all the cursewords to protect your innocent lil ears :P))

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:25 am
by HealerKat
The best part is that she says, and i qoute: "How can i be sure you will phone me back, I want answers. And i want it NOW." Hahahaha Guess she never knew she was talking to an answering machine :D


PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 11:11 am
by LilBurst
To angry Swedish lady: