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Hey all :D

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 7:29 pm
by Chestity
Where are the pics from the party?
Kinda dissapointing that Apoc outdrank you guys even if outnumbered like 15-2...

Anyways was real cool meeting you guys (and girls)

Guild of Models


PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 8:55 pm
by Sidarion

if Quezt would have made his train and Decrecy would have gotten his lazy butt there... and if you had had the baseline beer defense of a purebred German, this disgrace would have never happened...




:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:10 am
by Smacdevil
Hey and 'takk for sist' as we say in Norway :)

Yea...I got drunk.. very drunk and waaay too fast :/ Dunno what happened after the round of Vodka shots., my brain stopped recording after that. No painkillers in the medicine cabinet either, what to do.

I hope there are some pics to show what I missed, hehe :oops:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:06 am
by Cogs
Hey Chestity! Takk for sist, ja :)
But..outdrinking us? no no.....we were just being civil, and letting you beleive we were drunk :D

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:38 am
by Patang
HAH, yeah right......

Was fun though, had a great time.
If I hadnt lost ches and the 2 girls we found, it might have been even more fun!!

Cogs wrote:Hey Chestity! Takk for sist, ja :)
But..outdrinking us? no no.....we were just being civil, and letting you beleive we were drunk :D
:-'' :-''

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:50 am
by Chestity
Lol yeah right.. so civil sober people leave bars without taking theire credcards with them and such? :shock:

Where are the pics???

PS. Patang i think it was the girls that found us :mrgreen:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 6:07 am
by Cogs
hmm...ok ok..I admit it...I was bombed, lol! those shots that Smac lay on us, sure did the trick...:D

btw, yes, I left without my cred card, Chestity....guess Ill have to take another trip to Churchills......wont be drinking this time tho, hehe.

And, was damned good to see Pat/Nils-Henrik again....still crazy, m8 :)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:47 am
by Jpegg
Was a blast :))) And was so great meeting you guys.

Those shots sorta shut my brain down for a while. Thanks Smac for the drinks and everyone else :)))))

It's official though, JP can talk utter rubish after a day of drinking like that. Everything I said made absolutely no sense whatsoever and the amount of times I got told off by the barmaid was ridiculous. Anyone know why I tried to take off my pants in the pub? I can remember her telling me 'Excuse me Sir, but you can't get undressed here' I have no idea what was going on at that point and would appreciated someone filling in the blanks ;)

Was a great weekend and two fantastic nights out :)))

Thankyou all :)))

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:14 am
by Legrandchef
Thanks to all of you who made it to the pub, the pizza place or both. Thanks to Nussy and Nyna for putting us all up, in my case, for the second time. Thanks for the cheese and the cheese cutter I have had some already. Uneventful drive back from the airport which took about two and a half hours. Thanks also for the CD with the photos on which I have also had a look at. The one with Cogs and Jpegg on must :mrgreen: be pulished to the web sometime. I have heard of close relations between a president and his members but ........


PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:17 am
by Jpegg
lol, Nusse has already published the photo in question. Guess I got a little bit jealous of Volais being Cogs's right hand man so thought I'd step in and tip the scales ;)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:31 am
by Lindbeck
hiya! :D

nice meeting you guys! it was very fun indeed.

shame i had to leave to catch a train, but at that point most were quite bombed anyways so :mrgreen:

hope we get to do this again.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:50 am
by Legrandchef
My increasing ability to understand simple Norwegian meant that when young Gabriel said to his mum, Nyna, "he is dangerous" and later on told me to "go away" I could understand him. :lol:
What a lovely boy and so nice to see him again also.

On a note which is funny for different reasons, it is just impossible :evil: for the other guilds to claim they outdrank us, just impossible.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:53 am
by Legrandchef
By the way, what is the Norwegian for "not dangerous"? I think I shall rename Chefeng and give him that instead of Hardnut which is meant to be the pet's name.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:17 pm
by Chestity
Legrandchef wrote:By the way, what is the Norwegian for "not dangerous"?

Ikke farlig.

And yeah we outdrank you guys.
Certain people sat around trying to sleep it off and start over, but in the end it was just 2 Apoc's and 2 random (non-AO) girls left.
And when they closed the serving, the Apocs+girl went on to the next place (3 brødre) to get some more beer :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:41 pm
by Patang
Damn, I had forgotten about beeing at 3 brødre :D/ :-''