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Inter-Clan Relationship talks

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2002 5:43 am
by Zepto
Greetings all of RKFF.

I would like to continue our talks about our proposed inter-clan relationship. I know that we have both gained much over the last month or so with our developing relationship. I would like to make sure that this continues and that we finalize out talks and documetns. I will be away on bussiness this weekend but I would appriciate it if the current RKFF leader would contact me next week as to inform us on the current status of our treaty document approvial. I look forward to seeing you all again.

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2002 10:39 am
by Herich
Have anyone from our guild contacted u yet?? Just let me know and i will be sure to tell them if they haven't. Sorry for the delayed post.

~Herich~ out.

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2002 10:43 am
by Felicity
Strange, I remembered I posted an answer in this thread.. Must have dreamed the whole thing.

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2002 11:26 am
by Zepto
I have seen many RKFF members online but we have not spoken on official issues. I just want to resume our dialog inorder to further strengthen both our clans.

Contact Info

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2002 4:52 am
by Zepto
I thought this may aid in comunication. Here is a list of our current advisors. All of then have the power to speak for the guild.


    Zepto President 93 Nano-Technician Male Nano
    Bigtoof Advisor 122 Trader Neuter Atrox
    Podoman Advisor 118 Martial Artist Male Solitus
    Woolymammoth Advisor 113 Agent Male Opifex
    Nisreen Advisor 112 Fixer Female Opifex
    Ldancer Advisor 100 Martial Artist Female Solitus
    Zida Advisor 99 Meta-Physicist Male Nano
    Hemicrusher Advisor 80 Enforcer Neuter Atrox
    Bigb1424 Advisor 66 Adventurer Male Solitus
    Texo Advisor 56 Bureaucrat Male Nano
    Skeetar Advisor 41 Adventurer Male Opifex

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2002 6:15 am
by Felicity
Thanx, I will try to better myself and contact you.