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Hello Cerberus!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:56 am
by Gebs
I just wanted to let you know that I've left the guild due to personal reasons as a result of recent developments. I think you guys are the best! Some of you are down right funny as all can be! (Vikings Story)
Even tho my acces to the Sanctuary will be voided, I hope to still be able to pop in and say hello on the regular forums from time to time. I feel that this is the best decision for me at this time. As I mentioned to Selavi, here are some of my alts to give a /tell to if ya ever need to get in touch with me:
Zebs-Crat or you could simply /tell outbot !join
Thanks again everyone for being so nice to all of us OC people! :D

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:23 am
by Freuty
Thanks for being with us anyway my friend... have fun where ever u turn up... I'm sure you'll always be welcome back if u ever change your mind :D

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:33 pm
by Flameforge
Take care, Gebs!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:38 pm
by Bluelotuss
Best of luck to you in the future Gebs.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:37 pm
by Volais
Good luck mate.....i said it again :cry: