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Summer holidays, etc....

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 4:25 am
by Cogs
Hello all!
Summer is here, and I will be taking a break now for 3 weeks from my quest, to spend time with my son in the northern regions of this our wonderful country. Ill be playing a little this weekend, try and catch up some, etc.
Just want to wish you all a grand summer......make the most of it, be good to yourselves and your loved matters!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:08 am
by BlueMeenie
The Mighty Coggers Reutrns,

Good to hear from you again ,

I wont be online much tonight, got a 50th birthday with the inlaws,
but i will be on sat/sun

Speek soon bud

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:14 am
by furydemon
your 50th or theirs? :P

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:16 am
by Selavi
Good to see ye again Cogs. Hope your doing well! As for summer, I also would like to wish everyone a good holiday and a great vacation from everydays hassle and repeating habits. Myself are having one as I write this, but not sure Ill be going any fancy places. Still two weeks left of tho, so anything can happen :D

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:59 pm
by Buglight
Hey there old timer :)

Nice to "read" you again. I miss having the uber engie to drop off my tradeskill stuff off too hehehe...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 7:18 am
by Freuty
Cogs who? .. OH u mean the ugly old nanomage engi type dude...! ;)

Like I said in game, good to hear you are safe n well m8... hope this 'quest' of yours doesn't take too much out of ya :| anyways, take care, have fun and see u soon :D