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Another Funnie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:37 am
by BlueMeenie
Hey Guys, i have another funny tale to tell,

Last week i was up in Inferno, doing my thing, Killing the Spirits in the mordeth temple, NT Style.

I managed to Bribe everyone out of the Spirit room with a few free novictum, and i had the place to myself Whoppeee. :D

After a few spawns, i noticed another Blimp on my radar Intruder !!
I immediatly ran over to offer the usual 3 Novictums for some solitude.

But it was a Crat, and a high level Crat at that, 210 to be precise. my thoughts imediatly turned to the 100K pool of SK i had collected that day.
So i managed to convince him to stick around for at least 1 kill to help empty the pool.

10 minutes later the Crat was Begging me to hang around longer and get more SK, Excited and Enthusiastic after the 15k sk he got, he than started commin up with suggestions in an attempt to prolong my life expectancy. the most plausable offer was to put his pet in the middle of the spirit room and use him as cannon fodder, while i ran around him nukink like crazy.

So i agree to the Idea, and the Crat Vanished. "BRB getting a pet" was all i could see in the Team Comm Chanel.

This was a good opertunity to rebuff and healup after the last round of Ghosts trying to make me become one of them,

As i was sitting, healing up, i hear Screems of Mental Tortue Eminating from the room upstairs, "OMG" "NOOOOOOOO" " WTF, Where did it go"

At the same moment, i saw my team mate Crat "Secritariat" running towards me with the Most Impressive Peice of Cannon Fodder i have ever seen, "Prophet Mann Mord" I Believe his name was. An Awesome Pet, and at lvl 215 Could handle some beating. But i was curious as to why so many Clanners Were chasing my team mate crat. ???

Then it Dawned on me OMFG.

Then Suddenly , in the spirit room, in the middle of the 50 Spirits i was Kiting, the Accolite spawns, and starts chasing me.

/me enters sneek mode

At that moment, i was curious as to how a 210 crat could Charm the most camped Boss in Inferno, by accident. ?

A quick Shift click confirmed my suspicions that he was indeed Omni, and had never been in the faction room before.

After about an hour of explanations and apologising, we managed to calm the angry clanners that wanted the poor crat removed and banned,

Afterwards the crat explained what happened, he entered the faction room on the left side, and ran out into the main hall. he looked for the Biggest Boss he could find , Charmed it and ran back out , back down to the spirit room.

I have never seen a funnier sight in AO , than what happened that night.

And I doubt i will ever see anything like it again.