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Game server timing

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 3:51 pm
by Hejiro
Has anyone else noticed weird timing on the AO server lately? For example, all my "First Aid skill available", "Space and Time skill available", "Brawl available" etc.. come up normally, but I have to still wait another 2 or 3 seconds before they really are available.

If I activate the skill when the message comes up it says I can't use this for another 1 second. Very odd.

And also, last night when I was playing my MA, I died... but... my HP was on 13! Then when I came back to the rez platform I was on 5 HP... I never saw it drop to 0 :-?

And actually, another weird thing (hehe) .. I was in mid-battle -- MA again -- and I got a "Please wait, changing area" message like I was zoning! Mid-battle! When I finally "zoned" I was on the rez platform! :roll:

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 4:08 pm
by Coldraven
hi, I think the problems your experiencing are because of lag. There are some problems with the game servers these days. It says so when you log in

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 5:16 pm
by Hejiro
Yeah.. ok.. I'll put it down to me being a long way away... on a crappy modem... and there also being some server troubles... :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 11:24 pm
by Felicity
I've had those timing problems for quite some time, so it's not something that came with 14.2. As a doc I'm a frequent "recharger" and sometimes it recharges before the message, sometimes after.. I think it has to do with lag as Cold mentioned...