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Story starting again

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 1:00 pm
by Coldraven
Woho, finaly it seems like something is happening again.

Please check the following links: ... eturn.html ... where.html

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 2:04 pm
by Cogs
I read the articles, and was amazed to see how thin a story they have concocted for Radimans absence. Geez, from being in full peace talks, to total disappearance, and now to return saying he was tired, and needed air to breathe?!?! No responsible leader would ever act in such a fashion, and not even appointing a replacement. Well, Im not convinced. And, as if that isnt enough, mr. Ross has also been very absent over the same period of time. Maybe they both turned gay, and have been secretly living together in Ross's super secret offices? Could that be the real answer?
I dont know, but I am disappointed in the explanations given, but excited to see if any story will now start unfolding again. Lets hope so :)


PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 3:46 pm
by Evillela
:lol: u have some ideas sometimes that make me laugh so much:)
ive missed that Cogs :wink:


Big bear hug from me:)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 4:43 pm
by Hejiro
LOL! Cogs I think you may've uncovered the truth... they've been quietly exploring their sexuality.

The TAG article rambled on somewhat, and did feel a little unwieldy. I mean like Cogs was saying, where the ### has Radiman been? No warning. No explainations. No postcards.

Perhaps he'll speak more of his "pilgrimage" later, but I have to say I'm disappointed in his behaviour.

As for Ross.. well.. I don't much care if he's disappeared... except that not knowing where he is and what he's up to could be dangerous. At least when he's in the spotlight one can keep tabs (and a sniper scope) on him.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 3:09 am
by Felicity
I wonder how the story would turn out with Cogs as a writer.... hehehe.. I'm pretty sure it would be alot more amusing. :)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 4:09 pm
by Hejiro
The mind boggles! But we all know Cogs went to The Future recently, so perhaps he has great insight into the direction of the story!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 5:20 am
by Cogs
Well, I must say the future was disappointing, really. Rather, coming back to the past, knowing so much of the future was prolly the most disappointing part.
Nevertheless, I wil not delve further into speculations on mr.Ross and mr.Radiman with regards to their sexuality. Reports were made, though, of weird sounds emanating from mr.Ross's office. This could of course be Ross wringing up one of his employees.
I will never return to the future again, the prospect is too scary. I get all the suspense I need while experiencing the recycling process.

Seek not thine future, rather live for today.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 4:13 pm
by Hejiro
On the subject of storylines, was I dreaming or did the end of the AO animated series feature a somewhat "obedient" Radiman?