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Membersarea wacked.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 4:51 am
by Felicity
I ran an update on the characters today and it went haywire. Seems FC has redone the charpages so our update script cant find the levels for our characters.

I'm sorry, but my phpskills are severely gimped and I dont know how to solve the problem. If any of you can help I'd be very happy.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 4:13 pm
by Hejiro
I've done some PHP, so you could send me (molotov at the script to look at, but Cold is probably more likely to know how it works.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 7:03 am
by Felicity
I Talked to Cold about it and promised to send it to him.. But if he doesnt manage it maybe you can have a look then?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 7:50 pm
by Hejiro
Sure, no problem.

Only a week until my holiday, though ;)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 1:11 pm
by Wirecutter
is this getting somewhere?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 2:33 pm
by BigSwede
Wire we are working on a whole new site. Cold is coding a system and hopefully we'll find someone to do the fancy graphics and stuff.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 3:27 am
by Hejiro
What sort of fancy graphics and stuff? 8)

Hmm... I wonder if Cold gave up on me doing that postman.......... *glances over to him*

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 7:47 am
by BigSwede
You know, cool fast-loading graphics that amazes everyone that visits us.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 9:03 pm
by Hejiro
Ah yeah, those fancy graphics.

Are there currently any clan's / organisation's websites that stand out with cool graphics, that you know of? I wouldn't mind having a look at some of the good sites out there.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 6:14 am
by BigSwede
Dunno really.. some are mediocre some are good. None really very fancy if you ask me

PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 4:17 pm
by Hejiro
RKFF doesn't have a logo or anything, does it?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 4:30 pm
by BigSwede
No actually not. I had a few ideas on some graphis but I don't know anyone skilled enough to realise them (I don't think I can)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 4:39 pm
by Hejiro
I am currently working on a belly-dancing pic for a friend -- have to get it to her this Friday -- but once that is out the way perhaps we can talk more about creating a logo.

Cold, do you still want/need that postman pic? I think i did get 25% through the final version, but I will continue working on it if you would still like it.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 4:40 pm
by BigSwede
Sounds great, you tell me when you're ready.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 6:51 am
by Hejiro
Well that belly dancer took way longer than I'd expected. Have a look :)

Ready to do some logo stuffs? You've got my email, Big, if you want to send anything.