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Bon voyage, Hejiro!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 3:51 pm
by Cogs
Just wanted to wish you a grand holiday, mate! :D
Hope you have a great time, we do expect a full report upon your return, hehe!

Take care,

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 10:36 pm
by Hejiro
Aww shucks, thanks Cogs :) It's been rather hectic this week getting everything organised. I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon which will give me the morning to purchase last minute essentials (er, baggage labels! ;) )

It's strange to think of flying "backwards through timezones"... the plane from Australia leaves at around 7PM and the first leg of the trip is 16 hours, yet only 10 hours will have "passed" on Earth when we land ;) Weird, eh.

Well anyway, it's all quite exciting! I'll see you guys in 3 weeks!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2002 12:40 pm
by Felicity
Nice..Get a fast enough plane and you can travel back through time.... :)

Have a nice trip

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 3:44 am
by Hejiro
I am back in Australia now, but it has been difficult adjusting back to this timezone!

My holiday was excellent -- although there were a few "hiccups". I was able to visit many interesting places, and meet many interesting people. It's just so great being able to go somewhere different and sample a different lifestyle and culture.

I definately have the travel bug now... and am looking at the map for where to go next!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 7:42 am
by BigSwede
Scandinavia ofcourse!

Hey Welcome back!!!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 2:38 pm
by Wirecutter
*DANG* If I lived in Australia I would have stayed there. :D

Always been a dream of mine too go there some day, but it seems so far away. Maybe in my next life if that ever happens. :-?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 9:11 pm
by Hejiro
:lol: Wirecutter, after I'd been on a plane for some 22 hours, it really did make me realise just how far away Australia was! It's great to go on holiday, but it sure is tiring to get there and back ;)

Australia is very nice though, just very large. Of course, Tasmania is the most beautiful state to visit, heh.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 6:13 am
by BigSwede
Ofcourse :p