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Patch 14.6

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 5:45 am
by Coldraven
Ohhhh, patch 14.6 will be soooo good.
Tested it on the test server 2 days ago.
There is a completly new character creation system now, and they have chnaged the way you talk to npc's Instead of typing messages you get an option to select from. And there are lot's of cool new comersials ingame.

Check it out. You will love it :)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 7:59 am
by BigSwede
You forgot to add a "I haven't tested it yet" option...

If all the enf nanos really are added I will probably love it. I looked at the database... Not to mention the new 2hb staffs.. yay! Enforcer love!!!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 1:06 pm
by Wirecutter
have been reading some of the updates since we january and I must say I can't wait to sign up again, just wondering bout the darkland thingy if that is a update or u have to buy the addon?

have not seen any iformation on it anywhere, might be I have overlooked the links though.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 2:36 pm
by BigSwede
You mean the shadowlands. It will be an add on that you buy. But before that they will release "Notum Wars" Also an addon, only cheaper, from what I've heard. It will be released soon I think.. November or something.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 2:52 pm
by Coldraven
Notum wars is planed to be relased by november and will cost 19,99$
The you will get the notum wars, ao the game and 1 month free of play.

First quarter next year they will releas Shadowlands, who will be a huge expansion pack. Price has not been released yet, but I guess about the same as a normal game. I'v seen the video for it, and it looks realy great.

Something to look forward too :)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 2:49 pm
by Wirecutter
hmmm are the addons a game outside of RK1/2 and run on seperate servers or is it like that the peeps that doesn't buy the addons will have a disadvantage?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 6:55 pm
by Hejiro
Dang! The 14.6 patch is 19MB :( That's going to take some time on my poor lil' modem....

Wire, as far as I know with the Notum Wars booster-pack, it runs along with everyone else (ie, on RK 1 & 2), but you will be provided with additional options. Everyone without the booster can "see" what goes on, but are unable to participate. At least, that's how I read it -- am I right, Cold?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:45 am
by BigSwede
Well I guess its good, but there are a few issues I dont like about it.
They changed the challenger nano series so it wont add to 2hb. They added a new line of self buffs to compensate this. The problem is that the new line of buffs dont stack with the ordinary enf 2hb buffs. So for me its kinda unusable.

Also on the bug-side, the shortcutbar looses its icons sometimes when you zone. Not every time, but some times.

Other than that it seems normal, I saw on test that the petclass mobs now wield pets. A hint on those is to ignore the pet and kill the pet owner. Once he is killed the pet usually goes into waitstate and you can go on to the next one. They do aggro sometimes, but just run a few rooms off and it will loose interest. And no, the pets doesn't give xp at all...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 6:10 am
by Coldraven
You will still be able to play AO as normal without the Notum Wars booster pack. You will be able to see everything that you would have with the the booster pack, but you won't be able to enjoy the benefits of having the booster pack. So you should realy get it :)

From the login message funcom will release 2 more patches, one today and one tomorrow which should fix all the new bugs.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 8:08 am
by BigSwede
Nice of them. Lets hope those really will fix the problems

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 3:12 pm
by Hejiro
It really suprises me sometimes how the simply things can go wrong in patches -- like the shortcut buttons disappearing and Agg/Def resetting (so frustrating!)

But I gotta say... I lurrrrrve the new character creation. They've done an awesome job on it. Not perfect, but really enhances the feel of the game. I love when you're in the departure lounge and there's those messages over the PA, esp. the one about the shuttle crashing :lol:

So I have a new fixer now. Phwee, they have some impressive SMGs.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 3:38 pm
by Hejiro
Oh I forgot to mention how brilliant the Subway Dungeon in Borealis is! I'm not sure if it arrived before 14.6, but it sure was a lot of fun last night -- tough but fun.

It's huge too, and I've heard you can get to level 25 in there...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 4:41 pm
by BigSwede
I made a Trader Yesterday, but havent gone to the subway yet. Only level 5...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 5:43 pm
by Hejiro
With a team I did levels 3 through 9, and would have done more had it not been 1:30AM! :o Up at 6AM for work. Why can't I be a professional gamer??!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 4:07 am
by BigSwede
Yes, thats a dream profession. Sorry to say there isnt much money in AO for the gamers...