And another expansion is soon over us

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And another expansion is soon over us

Postby Ynelin » Fri May 06, 2005 7:13 am

Anarchy Online - Lost Eden

Press release from Funcom

Norvegian press coverage Scroll down and find a camera behind a link to see pictures

or simply go to

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Postby Smacdevil » Fri May 06, 2005 8:46 am

All I can say is ... WOW!! (no pun intended)

WTB Mothership pilot lisence! :twisted:
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Postby Flameforge » Fri May 06, 2005 4:45 pm

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Postby Flameforge » Fri May 06, 2005 8:08 pm

Thinking about it though, this does sound pretty fluffy. Only going on guesses and sketchy details of course, but this sounds like "Notum Wars in Space + SWG's Jump to Lightspeed". Plus maybe some parts of WoW's Battlegrounds.

JtL seemed pretty crap but the worst thing about it was that it sucked a lot of the population off the planets where they were needed for teaming and trading.

Got to be skeptical about these things to avoid disappointment ;)
Hopefully it'll be a free expansion hehe.
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Postby Jasper2002 » Sat May 07, 2005 1:41 am

Hmm, like the pictures of the battleground outside East OA, looks really cool.

Battle mechs will more than likely be a back slot armour item, similar to GA, so no other armour can be worn, or more like a desert scorpiod suit with better graphics (whenever I say better graphics, read more lag. Without a new graphics engine of course).

I can just see tower battles now, no one shows up, 6 level 220 players from one side stand on a hill overlooking the area and call in an air strike, one each. Bang, new tower spot.

Taking to the skies and taking the battles to the aliens, definitely a good thing, but there is implications of PvP in this, so I am guessing that you plan a raiding party for a mothership, Clan enter at one point, Omni at the other, Neutral, come in somewhere, but to be decided. All battle on 3 floors to get to the control room which is 0% gas and then it becomes a bloodfest, with all attacking each other and the aliens.

I have to say that I will be first in line for this expansion, I am excited, although looking above you may not believe it. I think it opens new realms for development, RP interplay, and enjoyment. I am sure that whatever developments are due we will be well informed. Our resources in this area are very good :)

I know PvP is going to be a big focus in this patch, so you effectively have 6 months to twink and be ready, for myself, I will sit at our HQ, and call in airstrike after airstrike on MMD, 4 Holes, Broken Shores and anywhere else that PvP can happen without flagging, soon I will be an Uber Despotic General :twisted: . It will be a shame that Omni HQ and OA will have defence shields to protect them.

Anyway, rambling a few thoughts off, but be prepared for this, it will be big and I would like to see all getting the most from it :D
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Postby Volais » Sat May 07, 2005 6:54 am

It only it would be in real time......that would rule...
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