Everything comes to an end...

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Everything comes to an end...

Postby Cogs » Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:07 pm

..and so has my time on Rubi-Ka.
Its high time I face it, its been wracking my brain and taken its sweet time, but Im saying goodbye to 3.5 wonderful years on the planet of Rubi-Ka. Its actually painful to write this....never knew or imagined a game could leave such an impression on me, but alas, it has.....and I suspect Ive been living in denial of the fact I have been finished with AO for some months now.

Words cannot begin to express the utter enjoyment this game, and you that make up the game has given me over the years. Some people more than others, but every single one that I have met has made his or her special imprint on my experience, and for that I want to thank you!

A game such as this is a rare creature indeed, and I am not ashamed to say Ive had both tears and immense joy playing it!
The sheer scope of emotions that I have come to enjoy while playing is beyond what I ever imagined I could experience in a game...... Rubi-Ka Freedom Fighters, the first guild I was ever in, the guild I co-founded with dr. Felicity many moons ago engulfed me in feelings of having actual responsibilty for a virtual society, made up of people I had never met....dang, the memories :)

Well, I could go off on a rave here, but I wont.

Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart for giving and sharing with me your time....the game....your friendship! Its been an utter privilege and I wont ever forget it!

Take care of yourselves, and although Im closing the chapters of my AO book with this, I hope should you one day see a lil Cogs, stop and chat a while......

(Ill still hang around the forums, so hope we can still stay in touch)
Silly ole bugger
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Postby LilBurst » Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:40 pm

Great leader, we'll miss you...good luck out there, and perhaps we will meet again in another virtual world in the future :mrgreen:
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Postby trgeorge » Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:49 pm

Good luck Cogs and thank you for all the time you invested in us.
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Postby Jpegg » Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:20 am

Hiya mate,

I think we all sorta had a feeling this would be your decision and seeing you settled and happy in WoW as well, also made us realise you wouldn't be coming back.

But, when you think about it realistically, you haven't left because you still have all the input here, you're here to chat to as you've always been. The only thing you've left is logging in. You have been missed in game as you will continue to be so despite this post, mate, it isn't a goodbye :)

We'll miss Cogs the Engineeer but we still have you :)

/salute to one of the finest Presidents and men ever to grace Rubi-Ka :)

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Postby Quezt » Mon Jul 04, 2005 6:30 am

The era of Cogs is coming to an end :(

Sad to see ya go mate but I'll see you around in WoW, just gotta ding 220 here first ;)

Thanks for all the wonderful AO moments, hope we can get together and grab a beer some day :D

Not to good at these goodbye threads so I'll just leave it at that....

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Postby Selavi » Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:48 am

AO without Cogs, Cogs without AO...Hmmm...That doesnt sound right. The thought of the old crew never getting back together again isnt a thought that bring smiles to my face to put it mildly. Anywho...best of luck for the future mate, and were sure to keep in touch here on the forums. And as Quezt said, lets get together for a beer or twenty four some day. Will be missing you online (althought I am hardly online myself these days).

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Postby Microscan » Mon Jul 04, 2005 9:48 am

Il miss u Cogs big time, u took me in the arms of Cerberus and glad u did so. Hope to see u again in a alternate world or RL 8)
May u hawe yrs with prosperity.


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Postby Flameforge » Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:28 pm

Cogs, you can't go - you still owe me for a broken wall!!!

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Postby Smacdevil » Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:40 am

Thanks for the great times Cogs, you've definately made an impression on AO too! Hopefully we'll meet for some beers and stuff in not too long :)
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Postby Legrandchef » Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:50 pm

Wishing you all the best. Take care of yourself, mate.

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Postby Lindbeck » Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:45 pm

i'll miss you man ....

wait ...

i have already missed you for quite some time havent i, so nothing will change with this post then ?

phew ...

thank you ....

make sure you post a "Happy days are here again" post about coming back next time okay !

/hugs and best wishes
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Postby Volais » Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:48 pm

Incomming transmissions:

<First message>
<Recorded: Eric "Xyther" Conner>
<Unknown Location-Shadowlands>

I have been given notice of your departure. Cogs, it is with my greatest regret to see you leave. It was because of you that I was saved off the rough streets of West Athens. I remember the day we met in the Cup. Back then my faith in the clans was wavering....nearly dead. You took me under your wing, you showed me the small glimmer of hope for the Clans. For months, the Freedom Fighters was my family, and you were the father. Cogs, take care of yourself out there.

<End of message>

<Second Message>
<Recorded: John "Volais" Lockhart>
<Outside Rubi-ka territorial Space-Last known location-"Auraxis">

The last of the Freedom Fighters have left eh Coggy? As I have already left, I cannot say that it will be sad to see you leave, but i can say good luck. You and I have had our differences. You brought me in knowing full well the price on my head. I admire you Cogs. There is not one other person in this whole damned universe that i admire more, and I am sorry that I failed you, and the Clans. It was because of that that I left Rubi-ka. I was an outcast again, lost, drifting. I couldnt stand the shame of failing your trust. The Clans, Cerberus, and most importantly you, they all had faith in me....and i failed it. So i ran to the farthest courner of the universe, Auraxis. A world of constant warfare.....a place to lose myself. But even as I did so...I always carried with me the memories of Rubi-ka (even if I did take my old friend Eric's Rubi-kan name).....including my old patch that signified me as a member of Cerberus.

Cogs....I shall always look upon you as my leader...take care of yourself out there sir! *Salutes*

<End Transmission>

There, had to give ya a send off right. Like Volly said, cant say ill mis ya....since, well, im not there. But, perhaps our paths will cross again oneday....hey...theres always Anarchy Online 2!
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Postby BigSwede » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:13 am

AO isn't the same as it was back in the old days, and it'll never be. It was fun, loads of fun! I'm happy to see the memory of Felicity being kept alive Cogs ;)

I'll be cancelling my account aswell now. I havent logged in for several months and with you leaving, there really are nothing to keep me in the game anymore.
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Postby Sidarion » Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:58 am

You be good, old man!

Such a pity that WoW has the servers split between US and Europe... would love to rejoin you in WoW.

Alas, one thing is true... gone are the old days... I seriously think that SL was the downfall of AO... the beginning of the end.

AI made it still worse... I log in maybe once a month for five minutes... I simply can't bring myself to play this dredge of a game anymore...

All the best!

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Postby Volais » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:03 am

im considering getting WoW...despite the fact that I hate it.

If only to rejoin my lost friends.
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