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Bye all :(

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 2:04 am
by Kehaan
Hey all :)

First i will say tyvm for have staying in the org :) It have been a great time. I am now joining "the dark side" I will try that place :) Maby i will come back again but i dont think so :( Maby when some times have gone i will join with another char :) It is sad that i still cant join the guest channl of the org. becouse i like to stay in the chat and just talk with yea all :D

But now i am gone i will see how it is at a Omni. But tyvm for the kindness and tyvm for the help you all have give me.

All good in the future and take care.

Stay safe.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:03 pm
by Ukulele
Take care Kehaan.

I hope you find what you are looking for. :)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:28 pm
by Smacdevil
Take care Kehaan, and GL :)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:44 am
by Doctain
Good luck Kehaan and fair well

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:14 am
by Legrandchef
Maybe we will meet on the dark side as I have a variety of toons. Live long and prosper.


PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:44 am
by Zuntsu
I will greatly enjoy killing you in the future.

Goodbye Kehaan. :wink:

dont kill me

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:40 pm
by DoctorLeo
AWWW K, i will miss you, really. And I die enough now, please take me off your Omni list lol. Have fun. I do hope to cya around. and if you ever wanna do some Hecks just let me know...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:48 am
by Kid

In cheesy Star Wars Ep III Darth Vadar style...Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

In whiny self righteous Obi-wan style...
You were the Chosen One! It was said you would destroy the Omni, not join them!

In cool Dath Sidious style....Only through Cerberus can you achieve a power greater than any Omni."

So, if you leave I'm gonna have to 'Order Sixty-Six' your ass!!!

But if you don't come back, I will have a new apprentice, one far younger and more powerful.

OK, Kid, relax...deep breaths, in...out....calm down.

We must remember that leaving Cerberus is a natural part of AO. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Omni. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is.


P.S. Bonus points to whoever can tell me how many Star Wars references there are in this post...hehe

I guess....

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:18 pm
by DoctorLeo
AT least ONE... since I am only one to reply do I win????

Re: I guess....

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:15 am
by Kid
DoctorLeo wrote:AT least ONE... since I am only one to reply do I win????

Well, if there are no other replies by monday, then yes.

You can trade in the Bonus points for AO Credits at a rate of 1 mil AO credits for every 1000 bonus points.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:34 pm
by Kehaan

Yea it is sad that i have left :( It is also some times since i have played on my agent :S I dont feel like playing on him... Hmmm maby i shuld make a new char and get it back to clan :S I dont know :D

But ty :) I will maby come back to the light side :)

But for now i just stay on the forums :D

From Kehaan.