The Time has come

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The Time has come

Postby DoctorLeo » Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:09 pm

The time has come the Cowboy said
To Speak of many things.
of keys and teeth and boots galore
of Cerbs being Supreme

The time has come the Cowboy said
To Speak of more things.
Get us all to INF
and see then what it brings

The lesser members now on top
That does rub my Craw.
So now help all of us to Catch
the mysterious MOD

The time has come (the buffalo says)
to speak again right now
How can I get left behind
when the all the girls go on top

The time has come (the cowboy says)
to get things all in line
Get us guys the teeth and boots
and all will be so fine

The time has come to make it right
to make the org all even
I need the tooth and boots so fine
and etc and etc and etc... ( what did you think??? a Kansas Cowboy could do more then this????)
Out on the Prairie hiding from Tornadoes. Don't need to meet Dorothy today and I dont trust the Wizard.
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Postby Saudonan » Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:28 pm

Ouch, that was some bad poetry Doc :wink:

I'm up for helping kill anything when I'm on but I'm a SL noob - haven't even got to Pen yet...
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Postby Saudonan » Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:09 am

Right - here goes ....

I have in my possession a complete novictualized pattern of 'The Great Ice Golem', ready to pop. Only problem is it needs a lvl 210 incarnator and I haven't got to Pen yet :-)

So, if we can get a team together, get me to Ergo in Adonis so I can get my Pen key, then we can all head on to Pen and do the Golem and get the teeth.

Anyone interested?

Me one, space reserved for Leo so 4 more teeth up for grabs. Anyone else uber who wants to come along for the ride and help with the kill is more than welcome :-) If we have any spare teeth, I'll sell remaining team spaces to cover my costs.
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Postby Psymonator » Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:54 am

nice peom leo, kinda.... :D and yeah im up for it i need a tooth aswell still :D
dont do it without me though, i dont wanna be left behind either!!!!

Psy.... ow, that was my balls.....
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Postby DoctorLeo » Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:41 pm

Don't worry I wont.. Saud needs it, I need it, You need it.. that is 3 of us at least!!! (if one of my students wrote a poem like that... C- tops!! lol) When we get a full team... with a few highers to help I hope.. we well go for it!!! hope this week sometime

Leo the Kansas Cowboy
Out on the Prairie hiding from Tornadoes. Don't need to meet Dorothy today and I dont trust the Wizard.
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Postby Smacdevil » Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:10 am

So... who needs the molar? Leo's been sending me offline messages all weekend LOL, can somone please come along so we can pop the damn Ice Golem soon? :D

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Wont Happen

Postby DoctorLeo » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:59 pm

Sorry I tried... cant get all here at same time. How embarrassing LVL 203 and cant get a tooth... congrates all you that have. Mod guess you win
even if you that cant use for some lvls... Guess my only hope now is do lft for it. wish me luck... because we can't do as cerbs. oh well. I will try. send her now how you got to spawn ok?
Out on the Prairie hiding from Tornadoes. Don't need to meet Dorothy today and I dont trust the Wizard.
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Postby furydemon » Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:16 am

actually it used to be if you just checked the east inc occasionally there'd be a tooth or two left on a corpse sometimes.
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