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Postby Jasper2002 » Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:51 pm

The one night off I can get, and the servers go icky :(

Icky is a word used often by US cheerleaders, yes, those ones in pr0n films btw, that means nasty or to be a bad thing.

It is not a word I use lightly, given that
A) I am a 35 year bloke from the UK
B) I have never been in a pr0n film, however I have placed myself in such :)
C) Icky is so Buffy *pewk* :oops:

So anyway, my toon is currently fighting numerous bad guys trying to get the new Fixer nano, and I am here dreaming of pr0n stardom. My One night off in 2 months, it just sucks, or is that a pr0n thing too :)
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Postby Smacdevil » Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:29 am

Yo Jasp, what you need is a good ole beer and bag of cheesy poofs! 4get about servers and networking for a while, k? It'll do you good :)

Greetings from a far-away realm called RL (SS sends his regards too)
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Postby Byrug » Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:44 am

I think istead of beer you should just get laid Jasp. At work preferably.
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do both

Postby DoctorLeo » Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:46 pm

Enough said

Leo... holding a beer and eyeing that cow in the corner
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