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How Many?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 2:15 pm
by DoctorLeo
How many of you all have pre-order LH? Tempted to do it now, but was wondering how many of you have or will do it?

Leo .... Out on the Prairie Pondering the Horizon

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 2:26 pm
by Kehaan

hmm LH?? You mean LE?? I have not yet ordered it yet.. But think i will do it... Just need to think alittle more on it :D

From Kehaan.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 5:56 pm
by HealerKat
I have pre-ordered LE :D :D/

Cant wait until i get my mech, and the team alien missions


PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:51 am
by Saudonan
I have. I think you have to do it by the 12th to get the free mech

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:11 am
by sensibob
I preordered the day they start the offer...fanboy you said? :ponder:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:51 am
by Horsey
And hoping my free mech sounds like a Harley Davidson :mrgreen:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:53 am
by Psymonator
gonna preorder on payday, which is hopefully the 10th :D

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:24 am
by Ballonmax
i have :oops:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:32 am
by Kid
I won't preorder. LE is probably what will bring me back into AO though...maybe.

I was hoping that I would regain my interest in AO before now, but it hasn't happened yet. I've got Guildwars Nightfall to keep my interest at the moment. Perhaps when I get bored of that I'll drop back to AO.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:43 am
by Psymonator
well just make sure you do though kid, we dont wanna be losin you now ¬_¬

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:07 am
by lynett
Add-Ons registriert:

Notum Wars, Shadowlands, Alien Invasion, Lost Eden, Lost Eden Preorder Bonus

omg, i did it :-O



PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:47 pm
by DoctorLeo
If all you already did it. Then I am going to do it today!!!