by Carmien » Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:45 am
Heya guys this is ShortCakes for those who dont know who we are Im Brandy Gebs wife Gebs was a Mage on AO. anyways i wanted to say Hi to everyone Liantii to.. and the guild that we know.. also we are getting ready to Move here in a few days. we are waiting for our eneternet to get transfered to the other place on Monday. So i guess we lose our enternet here on Sinday Night. we should be back up and running next week sometime.. anyways in the mean time we been packing and getting the baby's stuff all set and packed. Ok now i have to say haveing a baby and packing and getting really to move is NO EASY Task. anyways well Good Morning to those who are on AO right now. well i will get back to u all when we are all moved...