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Postby DoctorLeo » Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:37 pm

No posts here so guess I am lucky. No inf sanct key yet. We had a kansas storm. a tree took down power line for blocks. I was here sat morning then lost all. I night in motel then a night with friends. I was so scared I missed it. but looking here I didn't soo inf sanct mish when? soon I hope!!! Whew I was thinking I missed it. ok then when do we do it?

Leo, out on the prarie watching the tumbleweeds go wild
Out on the Prairie hiding from Tornadoes. Don't need to meet Dorothy today and I dont trust the Wizard.
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Postby Psymonator » Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:48 pm

Damn, unlucky mate, i say next saturday night (game time around 7pm) possibly a good time? So any who cannot make it for this time, please say!
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Postby Kid » Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:39 am

You need to move to a safer place....Like Iran, or Iraq.

Hey, at least they have more stable weather!
-The Doc that runs away lives to die another day.
-I am not prejudiced againts Omni's. I hate everyone equally.
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