18.4.12 Preliminary Update Release Notes
Content Alterations:
The Gauntlet: Adds for each boss now begin spawning only after the boss has been first attacked - No more zoning up a floor to get ganked by an army of Shadows.
The Gauntlet: Vizaresh now announces his arrival, and has a ten-minute window in which he cannot be attacked.
The Gauntlet: Feedback added to the entrance portal stating that your team must not be in a raid in the final 'open' area. Portal to the open area will not allow you to teleport if you are in a raid, and offers feedback.
The Gauntlet: Some texture brushups and general mob tweaks.
The Gauntlet: The "Dark Energy" item may now be turned in to the related NPCs for the proper reward.
The Collector: Team members may now speak to the Secretary again to rejoin their team mates within the final boss area.
The Collector: All team members may now use the special "Gravity Shift" action within the Collector area with impunity - All previous profession restrictions have been removed.
Dust Brigade 3: Module items should now be returned to their proper drop rates.
Item Alterations:
SSC "Bastion" Back Armour now has lowered requirements (1000 abilities for all three levels of the armour piece).
SSC "Bastion" Back Armour now correctly gives -%Nanocost instead of +%Nanocost
Infused Hardcore CPU Upgrade now correctly gives -%Nanocost instead of +%Nanocost
Jet trail effect from the Phasefront Besom - Sky Sweeper removed and no longer jutting out of the character's head
NPC & Mob Alterations:
Unicorn Trooper NPCs should no longer summon players that attack them.
Daily Mission - Emergency Call: The "distressed" NPC should now be immune to AoE attacks.
GUI, Art & Code Alterations:
Textures for Sentinel Chest/Helmet and Senpai Gloves/Helmet should now display correctly and with their updated, sezmra-fied textures.
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