Shadowlands,Ergo&Beast-The begining

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Shadowlands,Ergo&Beast-The begining

Postby trgeorge » Wed Aug 04, 2004 4:38 pm

Here's little something I came across reading some of item description from comes from Codex Clavis.

This is the remnants of the Codex Clavis; a collection of explanations concerning the origins and functions of many of the immortal beings in the Shadowlands. It is often self-contradicting and confusing. All in all it doesn't seem to be all too relieable. Some extracts:

Verse 41 says: 'But when the First of Xan reached the core of the source, a being materialized at the heart of the well. At the very same moment a rift appeared and split time in two. Creatures of chaos, that originated in times before time was tamed, started eating at the brinks. Then the being opened its eyes and a silence fell over the newly created Shadowlands. This being was the Fisher King, the entity that later turned into The Beast, the Keeper of the Source.

Verse 49: But when the crowd had grown weary of trying to open the lid, a young boy appeared. He was Merlin. He thrust the sword through the lid and the source poured through him. He had been chosen and Ergo immediately set him to guard the source.

The Verse 73: As they opened the twentieth vein a crack in time appeared. Boys turned to old men in the blink of an eye, and blood poured from the sky. The old and the new world were split in two forever, but worse of all: The Fisher King was dead.

Verse 117: 'When the Xan had set the wounded men to secure the free flow from the source, these men gathered the best warriors among the Xan. They sat the chosen Arthur to lead them. Among the first were Gawain with the Green Shield, Galahad the White Stag, Red Hand Mordred, Morgaine the Riddle-Maker, Merlin Ambrosius and Ergo the Smith.

Verse 195: The Fisher King was one with the land. As the land was torn apart, so was he. Eight times a new hero sacrified him- or herself to keep the King alive - and he was no longer one soul, but eight. Before he had the body of twenty, now he also had the mind of eight.

Verse 204: Ergo chose twenty Knights, each raised from the lands, each from separate houses. He set them to protect the trees, never to leave their posts. In return for their services they gained immortality.

Verse 232: Then the Xan realised they could not separate King Arthur from the heart of the source, and they started building Ergo, to protect the land and the veins. His knights abandoned him and for aeons he was left alone, to grow mad and corrupted - with only one wish left: To be able to die. But the source kept him there, and nobody came to relieve him.

Verse: 248: So they gathered their finest knights around them and let them bathe in the source. Then they gave them the keys to the arks and sent them away - each in their own direction.

Verse: 261: Nyame wished no longer to speak with him. The Xan sacrified their finest treasures, to no avail; the lands could never be brought together again, and the age of Xan had come to its end.

PS: Not to sure if it's guide or RP matterial...moderators feel free to move.
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Postby trgeorge » Wed Aug 04, 2004 4:51 pm

Found some more interesting SL descriptions..

From Memory loop Patch 14.78
...from the burning past He appeared, bringing the Promise of a mighty Future. The Faithful were given a glimpse of Paradise, and the power was promised them...

From Mnemonic Fragment Patch 14.78
...were given a glimpse of Paradise, and the power was promised them. At His right hand they would be placed, and they would return with Him to Paradise. Together they will rein over Paradise and annihilate any who oppose His just rule. For He has enemies in Paradise, the same as had originally cast Him out. But they will pay for their sacrilege on the day He returns to Paradise...

From Blighted Soulmark Patch 14.78
...He has many enemies, for they are jealous of His power; jealous that He has come and shown us the path back to Paradise; jealous that He has shown us the power that is available for those in Paradise that are willing to take it. But we shall return to Paradise, and take the power that is ours by right. We will crush His enemies, and He shall rule over Paradise. And we shall be the first amongst His chosen, for He loves us...

From Hollow Bone Bracer of Merlin Ambrosius Patch 13.8
When lordes wille is londes law,
Prestes wylle trechery, and gyle hold soth saw,
Lechery callyd pryve solace,
And robbery is hold no trespace -
Then schal the lond of Albyon torne into confusioun!
LXXV and on,
few lordes or ellys noone.

From Phatmos' Booty and Phatmos' Loot Patch 15.42
This seems to be a very old silver coin. On one side is the image of bearded male, and the letters 'Prophet Hezak'. On the other side is the image of a burning tree, and the letters 'The Tree of Conquest'...
Last edited by trgeorge on Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Flameforge » Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:13 pm

Wow, that's cool, Tr.
Why does the name "Nyame" sound so familiar...
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Postby furyangel » Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:03 am

That's really interesting... I really need to read more of the stuff I pick up :wink:

Thanks Trgeorge :)
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