Anarchy Arcanum
Excellent site for many good-humoured tradeskill guides and AO information of all kinds.
"A fansite by players, for players. From roleplayers to casual and powerplayers." General AO stuff, guides etc.
AO Stratics
Lots of game info, been around since launch.
Item database, Character info, Nanoformulas, Equipment config, Perk planner... Auno has it all!
Anarchy Mainframe
Jayde's database manipulator and other useful online tools.
Kuren's Helpbot store
For making items lists with links to the item database, great for posting on forums et.c.
Kuren's Colour Pad
ASCII colour table for AO text chat colour.
Nusse's famous Nano-formula database (Excel spreadsheet) of all the nanos available for all professions.
AO-Vault's Bestiary
Bestiary of (some) RK/SL/AI mobs, as well as loot-tables.
AO Crayon
Util for customizing your chat text colours - by Mawerick
Clicksaver and Guide to using Clicksaver
Helps you with pulling Rubi-Ka missions for specific items as reward or pick-up item. Macro tool, not endorsed by Funcom!
Implant/Symbiant configuration tool.
The classic implant designer tool
Darkbane's Implant Helper
Darkbane's ImplantHelper - Implant design utililty à la Nano Nanny, better in some ways.
Unity of the Rose's AggDef Calculator
Web-based tool to calculate optimum agg-def setting according to your stats and setup.
Trickle-down calculator
Nifty tool for planning your skills with included trickle-down effect from abilities.
Land Control Status (Atlantean)
Shows the which Notum Wars bases are owned by which faction.
Twinking items list (txt-file)
Huge list of items that are handy for twinking.
Twinking Guide
Very nice twinking guide, for newbs as well as more veteran players.
Tir School of Engineering
The Tir School of Engineering (TSE) has been around for ages, and is updated with Alien Invasion tradeskills too.
AO Tradeskills v.2
Cybershead's AO Tradeskills in new and improved version.
Anarchy Arcanum
Excellent site for many good-humoured tradeskill guides and AO information of all kinds.
Anarchy Online Reference Site (AORS)
German site with some tradeskill info.
AO Crafter
Application with step-by-step for various tradeskill processes with info on required items and skill requirements, calculated for the QL you specify. By Mawerick.
AoRK map
Atlas of Rubi-Ka map (updated version of CSP map)
Huge Map 2.1
Nepentheia's original "Huge Map" - in-game planetmap of Rubi-Ka
CSPmap 1.21
Creative Student Production's "CSPmap" - in-game planetmap of Rubi-Ka
Spheremap 1.0
Spherana's excellent "Spheremap" for Shadowlands with huge amount of extra information.
More info here:
Atlas Of Rubi-Ka
Further improvement of CSP-map with lots of added info and functionality.
CHAR DATABASES's char database
The Shadowlands Library (a.k.a. Herodotus' Site)
Huge forum with basically anything and everything to do with Shadowlands. The tradeskilling guides and garden key walkthroughs are all excellent.
AO Pocket
Database of Symbiants and SL loot tables
Mordeth faction calculator
Jasper's faction calculator
Shadowlands Atlas
Web-based maps for Shadowlands zones. Similar to SphereMap, but with clickable hotspots on each map along with player-provided comments.
Symbiant comparisons
Compare the symbiant class options your profession has.
Complete List of Shadowlands Nano Programs
Official forum thread by Ianjier.
The Alien Invasion Library
Run by same folks who did the SL one... lots of info on Alien Invasion game mechanics, tradeskills etc.
Pande Control Terminal
Pandemonium zone activity info for raids.
Vhabot Forums
Raidbot forums for Pande, Zodsnet and APFbot.
Fixed Time World Clock
Lets you plan a meeting time so other timezones can see what time it will be for them
Timezone Converter
Convert one timezone's time into another timezone's time. Great for knowing when a guild meeting is!
Internet Traffic Report
For those occasions when you want to check worldwide Internet connection stability and speed. Gives a nice overview that can be broken into smaller and more local statistics.