The Cama Sanctuary Key Quest (Penumbra)
Items needed:-
1 x Calibration Tuner
1 x Screwdriver
(and Cama Garden Key)
A. Quest starts by talking to Forrester Cama Path in Pen garden (to the left of the save point).
You will receive a quest - he will tell you that you need a calibration tuner. I obtained mine from the Yutto's tools vendor in Ely (shell beach garden statue or tinker tower sanc statue).
B. Combine screwdriver with calibration tuner to create Calibration Tuner - set to wrong offset
C. You now need to proceed on a total of 7 "use item" type missions (difficulty and level design comparable to Pen "Easy" SL mish). Simply upload to map as you would a normal mission. Missions are fairly blitzable (in my case the item needed only differed in location during 1 mission - ie. 6 missions were identical layout). You need to find the "Source Extraction Calibration Device" and use your altered calibration tuner on it to complete each mish. These machines are fairly hard to spot as they are the same colour as the background - however you are looking for a large bulky machine with a blue grille at the top.
D. Once mishes are completed you need to kill ten mobs to proceed and get your key:-
D.1 - Calan-Cur - Leader
Two are just to the SW of the Omni garden statue at Penumbra Fortress. There are another two at the base of the stairs by the Omni sanctuary statue in their temple if you can handle the aggro. n.b. Enter Penumbra Fortress by side entrance (near Omni statue) for less mobs.
D.2 - Rawa-El - Marked!
Location is on a tower to the NW of the Omni garden statue at Penumbra Fortress (just north of previous mob). Also to the west of the bottom of the ramp into the Omni temple.
D.3 - Buran-Kuiri - Leader (note spelling)
Location is to the west of the top of the temple entry point at Omni temple (where ppl normally wait for Vanya to spawn). The mob is on a tower just below your location and it is recommended to jump down onto tower, kill mob and jump back up (I didn't pull any aggro this way).
D.4 - Chimera Cranii - Marked
Location is Penumbra Fortress Incarnator - these guys hang about all around the area.
D.5 - Malah-Ea - Leader
Location is ground level below the West end of the pipe - left side in Penumbra Forest. This means you gotta zone! Either exit garden thru Yutto Wastes, or run throught the Pipe from Fortress entrance.
D.6 - Baran-Kuir - Leader
(see mob 3), this mob is on the east side of the temple ramp. Some are also to be found inside the temple itself.
D.7 - Eron-Cur - Leader
Once again, enter Penumbra Fortress from side entrance (by Omni garden statue). This mob is located in almost the same position as mob 1. Alternatively, mobs can be found at the bottom of the stairs at the Omni temple.
D.8/9/10 - Prophet / Omega / Vanya
Same as the run you did for the garden key, kill prophet, spawn and kill omega, kill Vanya. As this is an assasinate mission, ensure you are on the killing team (ie. team with loot rights).
Voila, Sanctuary Key
Hopefully, I've not missed anything. This was plaguerised greatly from the Dark Crusader org guide and of course the writing layout from our very own Mr Bothead's usual great guide format.