first of all. you probably already know this, but you need
-2 upgrades for armor
-5 for weapons
-after what i have heard upgrades for a QL 300 armor/weapon must be QL 45+. not sure if that is confirmed.
easiest way to get it is to team up with as many as possible but have one spot open for a low/mid lvl (in lvl range). this person will provide missons to every teammember.
misson provider updates a mish and one of the members enter. let the team know he/she is in and misson provider deletes misson and gets a new one. now a new member enters and so it goes on.
misson provider stays close to Reqrutior all the time so he/she faster can update misson for teammembers
every team member will run straight to boss(dont mind other mobs its only time consuming) and if he find something he doesnt need he'll let the team know. if one of the team members can use it. both of them run outside and the person who killed boss hand key over the person who need the loot. remember to remove old keys before you get key to misson with loot.
i think that was it. happy hunting

edit: providers key isnt nodrop and its tradeable