Deep thoughts...

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

Deep thoughts...

Postby Volais » Mon May 31, 2004 3:29 pm

John sat down on his metal spring cot and picked up a cigar, a little habit he got from Cogs. For a time, he had made multiple attacks against several representatives of the CoT, why? Because of his intrest in gaining a political foothold in the Council? For fame? No..because of a silly debate over those bastard terrorists in the Dust Brigade. A simple dicussion had become a massive debate over the morality of peace with Omni-Tek.

He lit his cigar and took a puff, "Guns, nor swords, nor nanobots can break my soul, yet a tiny plant will be my downfall." He took another puff and continued to think.

It seemed as though people viewed him as a peace loving hippie. What they didnt know were the strong feelings of hate that drove him to side with the clans. But how could he back down now and still keep his already low respect among the Council?

A series of beeps came from his gridlink. He flipped up the cover and checked the incomming tell message.


We have your message on the CoT, we are eagerly awaiting your reports. The Grid has become far to dangerous for such a transfer..well meet in person, same time, same place.


John took another puff of his cigar, dropped it on the ground and stepped on it. "Enough thoght for today" he thought, "I have much more important work to do.

He grabbed his Mortig Blaster and a small package and stepped out into the dark night of the backyard.
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