Chapter 1
"Aaah... this new luxury appartment home office of mine sure has its advantages."
Dr. Kai-Otto Lindbeck, chief of staff surgery in the rebel clan organization of Forsaken, had just woken from a good nights sleep.
Moving from the old, wore-down appartment in Old Athens and into a brand new luxury appartment in the city of Jobe had been a tremendous success. The schedule had been packed with clients ever since he put the first announcement out. Dr. Lindbeck now had the privilege of choice... who to treat and who to put back on the street. This privilege had ensured that most of his clients came from the upper social classes of society. Clients with credits. On the waiting list of Dr. Lindbeck money was the cure.... for mostly anything.
A lifetime of education and experience as both a domestic doctor and battlefield medic, provided Lindbeck with a good reputation. A reputation that travelled all over Rubi-Ka and far into the waste Shadowlands. A well balanced mixture of devastating poison and life-giving elixirs had won many victories for the clans. Dr. Kai-Otto Lindbeck had become a token of health and well-being. A natural first-choice in any situation.
Lindbeck sat down in his big leather chair behind a huge oak office desk. A feeling of being at the starting point of a very good day came over him. He reached for his black book of appointments, while he enjoyed the warm smell of coffee and the sparkling of twilight.
"Ok, let's see what exciting health issues we have to deal with this morning."
Lindbeck wet his finger and flipped over to the next page. The day was tuesday, and it was marked with a big red circle. No names or additional info. The doctor raised an eyebrow. Normally the color red in the appointment book would be blood. A red fingerprint or a stain. Maybe even a whole page drenched in blood. Not like this. This was different. This was the artwork of a fat red marker.
"Hmm. Strange. Seems i should remember something about this day."
And there it was. Like a fly in the soup.
The ringing of the doorbell.
The day marked red had begun.