An Introduction. . .

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

An Introduction. . .

Postby Gearsoul » Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:53 pm

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

It would appear that Foesmite is the highest ranking Keeper in the Guild at the moment, so I thought I'd take the time to introduce myself (the silleh Atrox that is) to those in the Guild.

*start RP here*

Jeremy "Foesmite" Tibbs is my name. I can't imagine why you all would want me to post on this Gridfeed, but here I am nonetheless because of requests from certain parties some knowledge to those of you who are Keepers as well.
I know there aren't a lot of us in the Guild, but I want the few of you out there to know that should you have any questions...problems...or a fighting partner that I am here to help as much as I possibly can.
Remember, my brothers and sisters, to fight the good fight. We who have joined Cerberus are here to fight for the permadeath for them if need be. Take heart and fight well!

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Location: Rubi-Ka

Postby Ynelin » Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:17 am

Greetings fellow keepers.

First of all let me tell you all that im proud to be a Cerberus member. I had heard tells and songs of the comunity and the glory this fine guild has.

Let me introduce myself in as few words as i manage.

Im Ynelin, a keeper at 108'th level at the moment. My past isnt very colorfull, nor is it of any interest for any beside my family. I was born in Tir, raised by a loving family. My parents tought me about the living, on how to behave and the values of this wonderfull planet called Rubi-Ka. At young age i started to train to be a keeper. I have always wanted to be a keeper. IMO i belive that every creature deserves to live, either being clan or Omni. Faction doesnt mean anything.. The heart does.

I will try to do Cerberus and her members fair, and will never put her in a bad light. I strongly belive that everything we as a person does, reflects on what guild we belong to.

Posts: 78
Joined: Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:53 am

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