Dust Brigade muscle in on Reets

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

Dust Brigade muscle in on Reets

Postby Flameforge » Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:35 pm

So there I was in the corridor of Reets Retreat, waiting patiently for my friend Xiaojian (of First Light) to join me at a GSP party. Over the comm she tells me surprisedly that it looked like some Dust Brigade troopers had entered Old Athens and were giving some warning speech.

Later we were having our drink in the Reets Rumble Room, when in came the same DB group:


They started shouting at the GSP DJ, Nexeus, to transmit their broadcast immediately or they would shoot him. Nexeus was not swayed and politely told them to sod off. One (possibly intoxicated) patron started "humping" the Delvinto (the DB seen targetted in the holograph), refused to stop when warned by the DB commander, and was promptly shot to death at point blank by the DB group!

Screams rang out and questions murmured over how the Dust Brigade were able to initiate attacks in 100% gas. The DBs shouted their usual warnings that all factions -- Clan, Omni-Tek and Neutral -- would be cleansed. "Next time we are here, there won't be words...only death," Delvinto shouted.

I noticed suddenly that Xiaojian was no longer dressed socially with drink in hand, instead had armoured-up and loaded her rifle, approaching the troopers and challenging them to a fight outside where they could not hide behind the gas. She was shot also! although fortunately only wounded and not killed.

Soon after, seeing they were getting nowhere with the radio DJ, the Dust Brigade turned and left.

Another silly DB stunt, or a true warning of terror to come? And what was the message they wished to have broadcasted?

Your man on the scene signing off.
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Postby trgeorge » Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:53 am

They managed to hach into Channel42 to transmit their message. Unfortunatly only significant part, apart their usuall treaths, is

Delvinto wrote:[Channel42]Delvinto: See you wednesday, sheep

Now, since only occasion DB announced their activity, or rather anounced some event, was to lure population to already crowded area and have a blast (literarly), I'd advise caution. But if you're geared up and pumped on adrenaline, there surely seems to be some interesting times ahead.

(( Events are rarely announced, so I really don't have clue what to make of this. Also crashing a party shows poor taste, even if geared towards reaching big audience.))
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