The Best

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

The Best

Postby Murderall » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:35 pm

Something wasn't right, didn't smell right.
I'm used to not being noticed but, these people seem to be going out of their way not to see me.
Strange, but not so strange. I'm the best. I don't get seen
My informer seemed certain this was where it was taken, but everything looked normal. No omni-tek activities here as far as I can see. One place left to check. One door with keycard access. Odd in a hopsital foyer. Pretty up to date tech by the looks. No matter. I'm the best.
Lighting could be a problem. Ultra modern high speed flash lighting, no shadows to hide in here.
Hmmm, I back up slowly towards a recess, always keeping the solitary guard in sight. I hate the cloaking device, burns like crazy. I activate it, instantly feeling the burning through my fatigues. It's uncomfortable althought I can bear it.
I approach the doorway, still moving slowly because even cloaked I can still set off motion detectors. I'd learnt the hard way once. Keycard device looks standard. Cursory examination doesn't reveal anything unexpected. I take off my backpack and remove some items from it. Slightly modified magnetic lockpick, magnetic ID jammer and a blank keycard. Lets see if Scirocco is as good as they say. I place the jammer on the door above the lock and the lockpick below the lock. I insert the keycard. Nothing happens. I remove a slip of paper from under my hat. A list of possible override codes. First one key'd in. Nada. Second one key'd in. Nada. Third one key'd in. Nada. Damn sweat is starting to run down my neck. Concentrate! Fourth one key'd in. A click. The door moves slightly. I grab ID jammer to stop door swinging in.
Carefully, with a little jelly glue, I hold door slightly ajar whilst I recover my equipment. Done. Sweat stopped now too.
I glance around, no one in view. Slowly I open door, slide in and check lock on other side. It's a simple handle and button, easily opened in a rush. Obviously not meant to stop people from leaving. Just me getting in.
I'm in a stark white corridor. Stark to the point of sterility. Ahead, left and right it runs. A door opens. A young lady in a white coat. Damn she's fine. Another time in another place and she might be asking to buy me a drink. She walks past. Smells of jasmine reach me. Hmmmm. Concentrate!
Two doors to the right. Three to the left, including the one that lady jasmine exited from. Just the one ahead.
A crackle! My earpiece warns me of a camera mounted near me. I scan the ceiling. Nothing. In fact I can't see where anyone could hide a camera in here. The walls are flush even with the grills.... the grills.....a smile pricks the corner of my mouth. Three grates in all, so probably three cameras.Nice try but no catchy monkey. It did mean this was getting interesting. Hi teck lock, a corridor stripped of possible biding places and at least three hidden cameras. With my cloaking device on, still burning in places burns shouldn't reach, it shouldn't see me. But just in case I take the appropriate evasions.
I head to the left. Room1 is an office. By the looks it belongs to a bureaucrat, one of those people no one likes until something needs to get done. A quick look around reveals nothing unexpected. Room2 is beyond the camera and is the one that has just been vacated, I think. I duck down below the cameras view range, I can see inside my target room through the ajar door. Can't make much out though. I'm passed the camera. A quick salute to the camera operator I imagine I just crept past and I put my head around the door. Oh, wierd. A keycard lock here too. Same as before. But my Jasmine lady seems to have forgotten to lock it.
A quick scan of the room shows one guard. One bored guard. One OmniTek guard. So they were active here.
The walls are lined with cabinets. Cabinets filled with jars, small and large. I can't quite make out whats in them. I assume they're medicines of one type or another. This is a hospital after all.
I scan the room. Paydirt. Maybe. A cloth on the workbench is raised as if covering something. My gut tells me my target is there. Do I kill the guard or not? Not is better. Not gives me more time before the alarm is raised. I sneak. I'm good at sneaking. I edge around behind a large free standing trolley. I can reach my target from here.
Slowly lifting the edge of the cloth I see it, or rather I don't. I do see it but I have no idea what I'm looking at. Offworld technology I've been told. Alien tech is what I'm thinking. But of course I don't ask questions. I get assignments and I do them. It must be what I'm after. Carefully I unfold a smaller bag from inside my pack. It should fit. It does. Quite snug actually. Good guess by yours truly. The guard senses nothing.
A quick look around and something catches my eye. I shiver. It looks like an eye, in one of jars. Urgh. I look closer. It's most certainly an eye. Another eye in the jar next to it, bigger and distended like it's been stretched. The next was looks like a giant bug eye. Like the ones you see in school text books. As I scan the other jars I start to see other body parts, Atrox, Opifex, Solitus and Nanomage are all there. And parts that didn't come from any body on Rubi-Ka, if they are parts. I suddenly have a massive urge to sprint, to leave VERY quickly. But I don't. Because I'm the best. A professional.
I turn to leave......

Egress was pretty easy. But then again so was getting in. OmniTek are lax it appears. Still got that feeling of being studiously ignored though. Maybe it was time for a rest. But then I always say that after a mission.
Wombat was talking to another customer but he came across to me at a signal, I asked for a beer and payed with a couple of creds and a black bag. The bag went into a small open sided box and was no more. Transported off to whoever commisioned me.
The beer is warm, it's always warm. It's why I never drink it. Mort was a warm territory. Hope was a warm shanty. I hate it here. I feel like a trip to Neuts. That sounds good. I head for the Wompahs, but I stop. My mind flashes back to inside the hopsital. A wash of revulsion washes through me. There was something going on in there and I was glad I didn't know what it was.
Teh Coolest agent on Rubi-Ka 8)

Teh stuff I use right now Out of date!
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Postby Jasper2002 » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:53 pm

Nice, very nice :)
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Postby Flameforge » Sat Feb 18, 2006 2:57 am

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Postby darkmistress » Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:03 pm

Awesome Murder! Can we have some more please?
P.S... You have too much free time at work :lol:
New main is Hollowfist
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Postby Kid » Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:08 am

jeez, I've seen tax rebates that were quicker that this site...very slow today.

Anyhow, great story Murder. But I think you should have killed the guard. He is Omni scum afterall.
-The Doc that runs away lives to die another day.
-I am not prejudiced againts Omni's. I hate everyone equally.
-My computer goes down on me more often than my girlfriend.

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