So I think the omnis were still in shock from the initial attack or they'd have noticed you walk up to them earlier. ;p Again they were *really* surprised that they were attacked by clanners and also *really* paranoid when they first got to the Trogg Valley location.
I think that when Hejiro appeared they were debating what to do with the scientist, who'd almost been murdered and was probably gibbering incoherently (well I guess he'd been doing that for the whole event but that's a different story). They weren't exactly sure whether to escort him to Newland or not and he wasn't offering much help. I think there didn't seem to be a clear leader in the team and they hadn't been instructed on the details of the situation.
Then they noticed Hejiro and the fun started. You might be amused to note that the omni who shouted "NOW!" was one who's quite opposed to PvP and sounded very shaken up by the whole thing, especially since she takes her teammates safety very seriously. But by this point she wanted vengeance. ;p
There were a few other pretty funny quotes involved with the event on the omni side.
Event briefer: "I'm sorry I'm late!"
One omni: "That's all right, we were all amusing ourselves by sniffing this tree" (they were in wolf form)
Event briefer: "I hope that the tree doesn't have...strange hallucinogenic properties?"
Another omni, who hadn't arrived at the briefing location yet: "Hallucinogens? I'm on my way!"
There was some very funny OOC communications between the event coordinator (who didn't go with the group of omnis) and one of the people in the group of 6 who was a higher-ranking officer.
Coordinator: ((Why are you taking so long?? Get over here, the plot characters need to leave!))
Officer: ((We're having an argument and they're not listening to me! I'm saying we should just use this part I have in the bank, but they say we should give the scientist a fresh one. But that's going to take a lot longer!))
Coordinator: ((Tell them to just use the old part. They don't go stale.

You're the highest ranking officer in that group. Do me a huuuuge favor and pull rank.))
Officer: ((Pullling rank now...)) *15 second pause*
Officer: ((Okay, we'll be at the rendezvous point in 2 minutes.))
And after the event:
Event briefer (another scientist): Iconis, you did quite well with your field work.
Iconis (the scientist who was being shot at): Thank you. I thought I did a good job. I didn't even soil myself!
(at this point, a few of the omnis glance at his pants)
Event briefer: With your good work, I believe the laboratory should send you out on more field missions.
Iconis:! I mean, I'm really busy in the lab!
Event briefer: That's strange. Every time I walk past your desk, you mention that you don't have much research to do. I believe there are some field tests that need to be perfomed in Mort.
Iconis: I can't! I'm going on vacation!
Iconis is terrified. After the event, the player behind Iconis had a few problems along the lines of: "I'm stuck in character! I think I see a spider-shaped shadow! *cry*"
For any interested people, the story behind the omni side of the story follows.