Story time!...(OMG I'm back!)

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

Story time!...(OMG I'm back!)

Postby Volais » Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:24 am

(So I finally got the urge to finish what I started. Over the years,I told some weird stories. Each of these stories had a purpose. It was always intent of creating a dynamic atmosphere. Xyther, Volais, Volais's actions, it was all pretty much premeditated. What can i say, I'm a sucker for a good story. It was always my intent to string everything together. But leaving the clan...and then, AO shortly thereafter, I kinda just...let it go. For those of Excalibur, or Rollerrat decent, or those who joined up after the days of the probably wont remember most of my stories (Although we have a nice catalog:)). Oh, and, Cogs, I hope you remember how we met, because that conversation instantly spurred this entire plotline in my head.

This story basically is the backstory I created when I gave birth to Volais and Xyther (Noone remembers Xyther), but just for a refresher, Volais= John Lockhart. Xyther= Eric Conner (I sucked with names back then -_-). Its set before the opening of the Shadowlands. Before the formation of Cerberus, before the New CoT, etc. Ill try and keep the dates to a minimum, just because...well it makes things difficult.

How often will I update? As often as I can. I have a lot more freetime to just sit and type. Anyway, I begin here, and, go ahead and critque the hell outta me)


It was here that everything started. Hope. The city of irony. We had lived our lives here, Eric and I. Our families had relocated after the Corporate Wars. Their were few families in the settlement, and the only other kid my age was Eric. From a young age we became close friends, we were always together. We learned to love the shanty town we called home. It was the entire world to us, the rest of the's's size....It mattered nothing compared to the world we had developed behind the iron walls of Hope.

Our fathers, because of their experience in the Corporate Wars, were elected to run the town militia. By this time, we had both grown to be remarkable soldiers. Although only 14, we both could out perform any Militiaman under our fathers service, and were both given the honorary rank of “Captain of the Guard”. And so our lives continued on, until one year later.

Tensions had been rising over the past few years. A terrorist organization, uniting under the phrase “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.” has unleashed a series of terroristic attacks on Omni-Tek colonies. The attacks sent the world spinning into a third civil war. Omni sent out envoys to recruit people into the war effort, hoping to drive back the clans who continued to make headway into Omni controlled territories. Of course, one day, they came upon Hope.

The day had been dull up until they came. They marched into the city, their white armor standing in stark contrast to the rusty décor of the city. There were 6 of them. They came for the sole intent of recruiting us into Omni-Tek's armed forces. The recruitment was mandatory, although in return for our recruitment, financial aid will be funneled into the city. I don't they ever saw a dime.

We had to go through extensive physical and mental testing to determine our placement within Omni-Tek. Eric, due to his high intelligence and his covert skills, was made an Agent of Omni-Pol and was assigned to keep an eye on the head of a certain prominent Clan leader who I would find out later, operated under the codename “Cogs”.

Finally, my assignment came. Late at night a loud banging suddenly awoke me from my deep sleep. I rolled of the side of the bed and slammed against the floor of my apartment. I staggered to the door and saw an envelope on the ground. It was unmarked, but inside was a transport ticket. I was to report to Omni-Prime for official training within 5 standard transit days. My transport for the last ship to jump out would leave in 2 hours. I looked on the back of the card containing my orders and found the cryptic “U.C.” handwritten there. I put the card away and began to pack my things. “Omni-Prime, huh?” I thought to myself. I never gave the letters a second thought.
Last edited by Volais on Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Psymonator » Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:50 am

Whoa that's quite cool, keep it up dude, liking it very much :D

although at one point you say "I don't they ever saw a dime" i think it should be "I don't think they ever a saw a dime". sorry im a grammer whore about certain things ;P

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Postby Procurator2 » Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:10 am

Psymonator wrote:i think it should be "I don't think they ever a saw a dime". sorry im a grammer whore about certain things ;P


Try whoring a bit harder ;)
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Postby Saudonan » Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:24 am

I was leaning towards

I doubt they ever saw a dime


But very good nonetheless :-)
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Postby Psymonator » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:51 am

proc btw your grammer is terrible! there is no "a" there :)

damn you "Saud ;)
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Postby Volais » Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:30 pm

Ah the joys of writing at 2 am.
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Postby Procurator2 » Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:20 pm

Psymonator wrote:proc btw your grammer is terrible! there is no "a" there :)

pah cheater!!! wts edit option :)
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Postby Saudonan » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:35 pm

Psymonator wrote:proc btw your grammer is terrible! there is no "a" there :)

psy btw your spelling is terrible! it's grammar :P
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Postby Psymonator » Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:04 pm

Psymon The hot Korean Pimp!!! Who Gets With ALL The Ladies!!!
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