General Discussion- Political Impact Of Nuetrality

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General Discussion- Political Impact Of Nuetrality

Postby Talen » Sat Jun 21, 2003 10:36 pm

As I think forward to my duties when this War is won, I can't help but ask myself . Are the Nuetrals to be considered innocent of Warcrimes.
This may seem to many of you like a odd question to ask, but let's look at the cold hard facts shall we.
Scenerio 1- A man takes a woman into a back alley and viciously rapes her. A man walked by sees the act and ignores it as if it is not happening.
Quiz- Is the man who observed it as guilty as the man who committed it.
Yes it is a tough call, the man observing it is indeed guilty, but to what degree.
Scenerio 2- A friend of your's knows another friend of his whom you are on unsettling terms with, this friend asks your Friend your whereabouts.
The freind who is your friend whom we will refer to as friend number 1, discloses this information even though he knows friend number 2 may not have the best intentions. Friend number 2, then proceeds to your home and throws a brick though the window, and pisses on your door mat. Later after discovering this, your friend comes by and asks for a plumbo and proceeds to act like nothing happened.
Quiz- Is said friend number 1 really your friend.
All sentimentality aside this guy is a backstabbing little bastard.
Scenerio 3- The nuetrals..Enough said.
Quiz- Can you ever truelly be nuetral.
Answer- Only if you live under a rock in Perpetual Wastes and live off of anun carcasses. The proportions of this War make it so your are either with the Clans completely or against them.
There fore as you Political Representative I am proposing after this conflict ends , we of course arrest all Omni-Tech employees as Warcriminals, and decide degrees of guilt based upon Crimes and fair trials ( except bartenders, that will have to be decided when the time comes)
But all nuetrals will be required to disband any organizations, and have their lands seized. This of course land seizing and disbanding will be compulsory for any Omnis regardless of determined guilt.
Afterward the nuetrals will be allowed to assume daily life again, but will not be allowed to assemble other than in a peaceful assemble, and will have to go though certain registeration procedures to obtain Firearms etc.
All Omnis of course will never been allowed to carry or own firearms, explosives or otherwise.
This of course is a rough draft, and we will need to make certain changes and omittions when the time comes. But please as your representative for a new Rubi-ka let me know your views.
Emil "Talen" Wagner, You Representative For A New Rubi-Ka
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Postby BigSwede » Sun Jun 22, 2003 2:26 am

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with that. A neutral is in fact not declared to any faction, they do not desire to participate in the ongoing conflict and thus must be left alone as much as possible. However there are possibilities that some neutrals are in fact spies or secretly leaning towards one faction, we cannot count the whole group as omni friendly. We will have to assume that they, by declaring themselves neutral, are not pro omni, or pro clan. By doing what you suggest we would most probably turn opressor in their eyes.
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Postby Flameforge » Mon Jun 23, 2003 4:05 pm

Bigs is right. The Neutrals have not chosen an alignment, for whatever reason. Sometimes it's because they are new to Rubi-Ka, and don't know the situation well enough. Others just want to go about their business without political involvement.

But it also means they are free to swing between "favouring" either Omni-Tek or Clan. They watch the actions of the factions, I've no doubt. By showing the Clans are honourable and not the war-mongers, I'm sure some will eventually make the decision and come to our side.
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Postby Necrophymm » Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:05 pm

I would tend to agree with Talen on this topic...

Historicly speaking, to know and not act is and always has been a crime.
Case in point ... Aiding and Abedding (spelling?)
... Harboring
... Obstruction
... ect

So my feeling is that not choosing a side and simply "letting" things happen or even aiding or ignoring the activities of either side (we are NOT always right just or good) is to take a possition that perhaps keeps one free from harm or actual wrong doin, but is still a crime and morally wrong.

And as such would have to agree in that all non participants be treated as the enemy and are guilty of aiding the enemy. This line of thinkin does not however include non hostile keepers, merchants, the families of combatant forces within Neutral lands, etc ... however ... brandishing a weapon marks them as hostile and action should be taken against them.

Claiming to be nuetral and attacking both sides or even just one (in our favor or not) suggest that "nuetrals" are not that at all...but a third equally dangerous (if not more dangerous due to unpradictablitity) force to be dealt with swiftly and definitatively.


-OK monkey...whose side ARE you on???
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Postby Talen » Wed Jun 25, 2003 8:01 pm

I would like to also address the matter of morality, Morality takes a degree of conviction, and dedication, These are not shown by the Nuetrals.
I am proposing That we consider this while reorganizing. Of course as you can see they supply us with no loyalty as of now, and it is easy as a political figure to see them becoming the next Clanners for this.
The rebels against us, but what you may need to understand is the big picture here.
#1- After reformation we will be a easy target for another corporation.
#2- We will need to have backing from all.
#3- Nuetrals, have been well known to be profiteers not..Nuetral, is self serving, we need patriots..not profiteers.
#4- We can Not , can NOT let the guise of claiming Nuetrality to excuse Warcriminals. It would be easy to have been a Omni-Pol Soldier, then at the beginning of the reform decide to claim he/she were nuetral.
#5- My suggestion was if you failed to read it that we investigate them and take measures aginst the Omni- Supporters amongst the Nuetrals.
#6- The disbanding of nuetral organizations, is necessary as....LOGICALLY SPEAKING AFTER THE WAR IS OVER THERE WILL NOT BE ANY NUETRALS. After that there will be Clanners, or atleast a conglomeration of Clan held territory creating a interlocking group of smaller countries if you will, governed by appointed wardens. And overseen by a equal represented commitee of elected officials.
#7- Therefore after that we will ..absolutly need to TAKE SECURITY MEASURES TO MAINTAIN OUR NEW FOUND PEACE, including the investigation of security risks.

In closing I must say one must realize the state of nuetrality was created as a by product of this War, after it is gone the war..Nuetrality will not be a option. You will have to stand with us to make things better or be evaluated. This heavy handed tactic muts be maintained until we can ensure that the New Order has been implemented, we are not going to want to lose all that we have obtained, and all that we have fought for over miss managment, and the inablity to Assume Command.
Security is of the utmost importance in maintaining good management practices.
Inclosing anyone who would like to give me a valid reason to excuse the nuetrals from security evaluations after the end of the War ..other than your relative morality, which is impractical be sure to post a reply which i will be more than happy to counter agrue as soon as I get back to my offices.
Emil "Talen"Wagner, Adminstrative Affairs Reformation and Implimentation Department
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Postby BigSwede » Wed Jun 25, 2003 10:53 pm

I still disagree. You cannot treat the whole neutral community as if it had just deflected from Omni. And just because there are a few omni's in there you can't treat the whole group like criminals. There is something called human value.
We clanners have accepted openly their neutral status for years and years. How would we look to the world if we suddenly, after getting the power to rule the land ourselves turn and treat that neutrality as if it wasn't accepted anymore. You have to remember it is people we are talking about, not cattle.
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Postby Talen » Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:04 pm

In acceptance of this point I relize how you are interpeting what I am saying
to put this in simplier terms..Simplify if you will.
Rubi-Ka is a Nutrum rich enviorment, it is a natural resource responsible for all of our problems today, but also is a much needed resource in the implemetation of nano technology.
After we are able to oust Omni-Tech we will undoubtably be set upon by a swarm of other corps wishing to cash in on the absence of a corporation which they have feared and been unable to outs themselves.

For this we must organize into a strong United front, because belive me after this is own the real war starts. We need to evaluate those not wihtin our ranks to determine whether or not they could cause us problems on the road to peace, as reflected in Life and the world there is no peace without Order, those whom roam around afterward in a eurporius day dream of peace love and small furry animals, will be victim to the next omni-tech who may not be a forgiving...
I am suggesting we devise ways of sercuring what we obtain. That is why nuetrality will not be a option afterwards as much as i hate to say it there will not be a omni to impose itself upon and cause fear in rivals which inable a nuetral to go about and not be in this War, there maybe wars know one wants. So to sercure this we muts bring them, and we must secure those who hide in the guise of nuetrality.
Emil "Talen"Wagner, Office of Politcal studies, Independent Researchs
PS...( This is strickly in character and doesn't mean anything as far as the player in question is concerned, yet rather a excuse for me to reinterpete currenty political morons views into this roleplaying enviorment, and have some fun being contraversal about imaginated events. And my strong arguments are not meant to be offensive at all)
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