An hour of solitude...

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

Postby Mamasboy » Sun Nov 04, 2001 3:30 am

As the twin suns of Rubi-Ka rose, kissing the morning in search of the new day, Mamasboy wandered the forests of his dear Shire. Thoughts swirling in his head, he barely registered the forests awakening sounds around him.His thoughts mainly focused on the last few days, and all the confusion around the Council of Truth. Mamasboy had high hopes for the CoT, but was now forced to realize, it had been but a dream. Spinning thoughts, spinning emotions, he remembered having heard some music of old. Some guy on old Earth, he must have been a poet by any other means, had said "..give anyone species too much rope, and they'll fuck it up...". How true those words rang now.
As the suns continued to embrace the new day, Mamasboy wandered on, thinking of his dear Guild associates. How he loved those guys and gals, still knowing that one day he may cause their impossible thought. The Guild was his life now, its members his family, thus the well being of it larger than his own life. His devotion to the Guild had never been stronger, and seemed to grow with each new member, and each new day. He chuckled inside remembering how some of his dear friends liked to call him Mama, this would always be warming to his heart.
It didnt take long, though, for his thoughts to hook up with the ongoing conflict, as he wandered further. A resolve would have to come, Portmans actions as of late were so in direct opposition to her statements at the first CoT meeting that Mamasboy could not help but think something grave must have happened in some way. An unsettling thought loomed in the back of his head; Radiman, did he live? Was he still alive? Do we have any real leadership at this time.
As his wanderings took him further and further into the Shire, he barely had time to notice the VirulentBull in time to throw himself up a tree, loosing his gun and watching it fall to the ground. He laughed silently, it was going to be a long day....
Posts: 120
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2001 4:00 pm
Location: Rubi-Ka, West Athens

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