"A Domestic Future"

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

Postby Evillela » Thu Mar 06, 2003 8:06 am


Good one Flame:P :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Flameforge » Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:13 pm

Hehe, Evil ;) I was going to write about "our joke" differently then figured no-one else was going to understand it :lol: Hopefully as it is now, it's still amusing for all.
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A Domestic Future: Remodeling

Postby yisuncha » Thu Mar 06, 2003 6:17 pm

The Yi-Forge Household

Yisuncha: Flame, honey, can you take down that "Krutt Assault Candy Cane" Poster that Bigs got for you? I know you like it, but it just doesn't go with the "Northern Tir County" décor. /pointfor

Flameforge: No problem, Sun. I'll just hang it in the bedroom with the "Plumbo XXX" mirror and "Miss June".

Flameforge quickly draws his Katana and strikes violently at the wall above the poster.

Flameforge: Ooops, missed.

Flameforge strikes at the wall again and shatters an expensive no_drop burial urn

Flameforge /shrug Ooops, missed again.

Yisuncha: Flame, dear, concentrate!

Flameforge concentrates, focuses his Ki and strikes again.

Ying takes 2645 points of Melee Damage
Yisuncha can loot these remains

Yisuncha glares at Flameforge

Flameforge grins sheepishly

Yisuncha: That's it, mister! We?re calling a professional!

30 Minutes later. Doorbell rings.

Yisuncha answers the door.

Cue late 70's porno soundtrack.

Cogs: I understand you need a little remodeling?

Yisuncha nods and indicates the wall holding the poster.

Wheels enters the apartment and completely destroys the wall the poster was hanging on.

Cogs: That'll be 20,000 credits, please.

Lights dim, soundtrack fades.
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Re: A Domestic Future: Remodeling

Postby Flameforge » Thu Mar 06, 2003 9:01 pm

Cogs pointed out once it's hard to put a good laugh into writing. This is one of those times.

Image Image Image (I had a smashing good LOL and bow before you)

yisuncha wrote:Flameforge concentrates, focuses his Ki and strikes again.
Ying takes 2645 points of Melee Damage

Wow! I need to learn to use this Ki stuff more and stop doing my normal lowly damage...
Uhm, sorry, Ying...

yisuncha wrote:30 Minutes later. Doorbell rings.
Cogs: I understand you need a little remodeling?

Oh man, I keep hearing Cog's /voice "Hmmm... time for snacks! Groooovy."

[edit] Wow, some insane referer images with those smilies... saving them to my site instead.
Last edited by Flameforge on Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Cogs » Fri Mar 07, 2003 8:43 am

I wont even try to express anyhting, I can just tell you that I laughed so hard tears ran. ROFLMAO!! :D

Sun, that was amazing!!

(btw, Wheels sends his love)
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Postby Flameforge » Tue Mar 25, 2003 4:54 pm

While something similar to this did happen, I'd like to point out I really am not this bad ;)

Domestic Future: Observation

Flameforge shouts: Ready yet?

Yisuncha shouts: Almost!

Flameforge saunters through the opening in the newly "renovated" wall, inspecting it again.
Flameforge: You know, this slayerdroid-shaped hole here is nice and all, but you'd think the "professional" would've been more careful! Sheesh.
Flameforge subtly toes some broken urn shards under the couch.

Yisuncha steps out of the bedroom, dressed casually but with huge, clunky skull-pads fixed to both shoulders.
Yisuncha poses.

Yisuncha: So, notice anything new?

Flameforge looks Sun up and down, scratching his chin.
Flameforge thinks: Oh crap, it's "that" question again.

Flameforge: You're looking a lot slimmer, dear!

Yisuncha: Oh, thank you. <smiles> That's not it though.

Flameforge: You had your hair done? It looks nice.

Yisuncha: Eh, no, my hair appointment is tomorrow.

Flameforge starts to sweat.
Flameforge: Did you buy new shoes?

Yisuncha: No, these are old ones...

Flameforge: Had a manicure? Wearing different earrings? Had your teeth capped?

Yisuncha: What! No!

Flameforge winces.
Flameforge: Well I dunno, Sun. The only other thing are those shoulderpads, but you've had them a while, right?

Yisuncha throws her arms in the air, storms back into the bedroom.

Flameforge: Someone should invent a "Understanding Women 101" nano...
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Postby BigSwede » Tue Mar 25, 2003 11:39 pm

Hehe, I know what you mean :p
Happens to me all the time.
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Postby Cogs » Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:08 am

You havent fixed that hole yet ? :D
Good one, Flame...think many of us men can relate to that one :)
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Postby Stillhaa » Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:58 am

hahaha LOL ... i know EXACTLY what you mean ;)
but now days me and Ariel have worked out somekind of understanding.. she promissed not to talk to much and not complain unless i forget to feed her or bathe her every now and then ;) hehe
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Postby Bluelotuss » Sun Mar 30, 2003 1:13 pm

hahahaaaaaaa.....i must admit, this is like my favorite thread going on the forum, I just love to read this ongoing soap opera...and BELIEVE me when I say an 'Understanding Women 101 Nano'...would be such a nice thing. Ahhh, so much less frustration dealing with YOU MEN.... :lol:
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Postby Evillela » Sun Mar 30, 2003 1:47 pm


Do i need to say anything else...hehe...
Better yet..make a "understand men 101" while ure at it:D
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Postby Ryorea » Mon Mar 31, 2003 12:08 pm

The understanding men nano is a great idea Auro. But I'm not picky, I would settle for a "Thought Control: Men" program.

"Yes dear, I'd love to clean the house and do the laundry. And can we go shopping so I can carry your bags while you try on new clothes?"


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Postby Flameforge » Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:25 pm

Something tells me there'd be a huge market for that, Ryorea :D
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Postby Cogs » Mon Mar 31, 2003 5:02 pm

Hmmm...Im developing "Iron Clad Brain" version 001 as we speak...must have a counter.. :D
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Postby Misjkin » Fri Nov 21, 2003 9:51 am

I just happened to stumble acroos this thread and was laughing my as off when i realizad i'm a man... and though i cant make a understandig a man nano i can gice you gals out there some hints to understanding our image of the world

so here it goes

"From a Mans perspective"
1. Learn how to use the bathroom seat, you?re a big girl. If it?s up, put it down. We want it up, you want it down. You don?t hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday = sport (at least in Sweden :P). It?s like the full moon or the tide. Let it be!

1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And NO we will never look at it that way

1. Crying is extortion

1. Ask if you want something. Let me clear it out: subtle hints don?t work! Clear hints don?t work! Obvious hints don?t work! Just tell us what you want

1. Yes and No are perfectly good answers to most questions.

1. Come to us with problems if you want help solving them. That?s what we do. Are you looking for sympathy you got your girlfriends, that?s what they are there fore.

1. A headache that lasts for 17months is a problem. Go see a doctor

1. You can?t bring something we said 6 months ago into a discussion. In fact all comments more then a week old are no good. And aren?t legit arguments in a discussion.

1. If you don?t want to dress like a Victoria?s secrets girl. Don?t demand from us to behave like soap opera actors

1. If something we say can be interpreted in two ways and one of the ways make you sad or angry. We meant it the other way.

1. You can either ask us to help you out with something or tell us you want it done. Not both. If you already know how to do it in the best way, do it yourself

1. If possible please say what you have to say during the commercial

1. Christopher Columbus didn?t need directions, neither do we

1. We men see things in 16 colours like the windows standard setting. Peach for example is a fruit, not a colour. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If we have an itch somewhere we scratch it. That?s the way we are

1. If we ask what?s wrong and you answer nothing we will act from that answer. We know you are lying but it?s simply not worth the effort.

1. If you ask a question you really don?t want to know the answer to expect an answer you really don?t want to hear.

1. When we?re about to go out somewhere basically anything you wear will do

1. You have enough cloths

1. You have too many shoes

1. I am in shape, round is a shape

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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