Answer to an unknown question.

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

Answer to an unknown question.

Postby Volais » Sun Mar 14, 2004 8:03 pm

Volais sat alone, far from the cheerful laughter and games of the campers. The night sky was clear, the stars shone brightly in the sky, a welcome change of pace from the glowing nightlights of the major cities.

A cheer came from the crowd. He looked around the rock h was proped up against. Another raiding party was about to enter that accursed Temple. They would make it back. Few had braved the Three Winds cult and survived to tell the tale. But alas, he had somehow been dragged into entering it himself. Dumb as this was, it was the only opportunity he had to learn about Omni-Pol movements. Posing as a soldier of Omni-Tek (Of which his old Omni-AF tatoo helped greatly), he was able to join a small Omni-Pol raiding party, which had been sent in to gather some intel on this bizarre cult.

But that was the least of his thoughts right now. He had a question on his mind...a question that could potentially alter Rubi-ka forever. He looked down at the fire he had started in front of him.

"Why must I be thinking about this tonight? The night before i risk my life in some demon worshipers cave." he thought to himself.

He laid back against the rock and put his hands behind his head. Thoughts raced through his lasted for what seemed like years. Finally, he sat up.

"So....that is the answer." He said softly. "As much I dislike the idea....I know that it must be done."

Volais sighed. His stomach began to growl and he remembered how long it had been since he had eating. Searching through his backpack he came upon a half eating box of cold Chinesse food. He ate a couple handfulls of rice and settled down next to the fire.

"Enough thinking for tonight, I got a couple hours rest until we set off, and ill need my strength."

He took off his armor and placed it next to his propped up Div 9. Then grabed a couple dumplings and popped em into his mouth and put the Chinesse box back in his bag. He laid down on the ground and got in his sleeping bag.

"I just hope Ive made the right choice."

Volais turned over and after about 10 minutes drifted off asleep.
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Postby Flameforge » Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:10 pm

/me is curious.
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Postby Volais » Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:40 pm

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